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Yeah. The 40GB version here is around R4700.00 (around $590 US) Which is a pretty big rip. The cost of living for me is just too expensive for me to really get anything else on what i earn..
The XBOX 360 over here is not too bad, it's around R3500.00 ($440 US), but like i said, the PS3 has better games. Then the other worry is to really be able to enjoy the PS3 experience, you need an HD TV. The cheap ones here are around R8000.00 ($1000 US)
So, all in all, throw in the budget PS3, with lets say 2 games, and a reasonably nice TV, you are looking at roughly R 15 000.00 ($1 875.00 US) What a rip off. I dont know how that compares to your prices?)
Gee are PS3's really that expensive over there? Surely you must have the cheaper 40G version that is not backwards compatible which has been made to target a cheaper group (like me)...or is this version only available in certain parts of the world?[/b]
Yeah. The 40GB version here is around R4700.00 (around $590 US) Which is a pretty big rip. The cost of living for me is just too expensive for me to really get anything else on what i earn..
The XBOX 360 over here is not too bad, it's around R3500.00 ($440 US), but like i said, the PS3 has better games. Then the other worry is to really be able to enjoy the PS3 experience, you need an HD TV. The cheap ones here are around R8000.00 ($1000 US)
So, all in all, throw in the budget PS3, with lets say 2 games, and a reasonably nice TV, you are looking at roughly R 15 000.00 ($1 875.00 US) What a rip off. I dont know how that compares to your prices?)