I was just thinking how EA/HB Studios would make/update Rugby 09. It seems they have left in files from 06, and i think they do this so they can re-use the data.gob, and you will find that they have been doing that since 2004 as 2004 appears as the creation dates in some .rsg and .xml files.
I am approaching this problem with missing tournaments in the way that i think EA/HB would update Rugby 09, if that makes sense. It made me think because in the 08 data.gob there is no locations for the British Lions kits filenames, but if you add the ones from 06 it works, assuming you unlocked them.
So either some magic is involved or we are missing a trick here. I think it may be possible to add the Lions Tour and 10 Nations if we can figure out how to get the text in the menu selection and then link it to the .rfe files. The menu text is controlled by dc.english and i am wondering if we add the .rfe files from the 10 Nations and Lions Tour if we can link up the string ID so you get text in that menu. The text is there, but it's not visible. It's on line 2219. I don't know enough about what a string ID is to attempt it. It wouldn't work with MUP as it doesn't have S14 teams, but it would work on the original.
The text is there in the dc.english, it just needs to be selectable in the menu by assigning to a string ID.. then hopefully the game would read the rfe files. and load as normal.
See, if EA/HB chop and change these competitions for each elease, how do they do it? I doubt they remake the whole database, at least not for the hard coded stuff.
Rather like i can add ANY stadium by just giving it the name of another stadium filename, i am wondering what happens if you rename an .rfe as an existing .rfe or if you can add them we we can the Lions kits. I'm thinking the rfe files might even activate the string ID text.