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Expert Level Footage Here

Originally posted by ak47+Feb 9 2006, 03:45 PM-->
@Feb 9 2006, 03:39 PM
good to see the tactical kicking has improved. I saw Daniel Carter unleashed a monster of his kick from his own 22 to aus 22.
that scares the **** outta me

imagine Johnny Wilsonson then

Tryline to tryline

u know they wont make him crap........even though he has past expiry..... [/b]
Johnny didnt seem that good on the ENG vs FRA video tho :lol:
Originally posted by Paddy+Feb 9 2006, 03:51 PM-->
Originally posted by ak47@Feb 9 2006, 03:45 PM
@Feb 9 2006, 03:39 PM
good to see the tactical kicking has improved. I saw Daniel Carter unleashed a monster of his kick from his own 22 to aus 22.

that scares the **** outta me

imagine Johnny Wilsonson then

Tryline to tryline

u know they wont make him crap........even though he has past expiry.....
Johnny didnt seem that good on the ENG vs FRA video tho :lol: [/b]
:bravo: :cheers:

praise the lord

:lol2tn: :bravo: :cheers:

Lote Tiquiri better be alot better

if he is less than 90 on the speed ratings i will scream

f***EN f***EN f***EN!!!

I WANT THIS GAME BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

looks hectic!!!
Gotta love Carters kicking style.. haha just noticed that song during the replay is from an NZ band - random.
will have to download the video before making any real comments but it seems to be very postive. ai seems to be bit of a mystrey in one game it seemed crap but in the next it by all accounts played better. from my understandin locks has also been playing for awhile so he proabbly knows a few more tricks and things than the normal user would.
lol, sambad will be ******. The D4 are in it.

The presentation looks very good.

Going back to the France V England video, locksley, can you change players positions during the match. It looked exactly the same as the Rugby 05 sub system (although that was replacing an injured player) can you swap players around ingame?
Is it me or do the AI hardly ever win any possession? - inderwhelmed with the quality of the AI but then its hard to tell when they hardly have any ball!
You scored and the nz wing that was outside of your player with the ball just stood still. This was a glitch in the AI defense on any difficulty level in the last two games. **** is mad unrealistic when you score by outrunning the outside center to the outside, when there is wing that is even further outside of you as if he is defending an invisible attacker, and he doesn't even attempt to close in on your runner until he is well beat.

But... the grubber kick you made looked responsive and you did not get tackled by the defender running behind you. I dont know if any of you have noticed, but when you tried to grub kick or up and under past the last defender in both of the last two games, you would slow down so much when kicking the ball that you actually had zero chance of running past the defender to beat him to the ball, and if there was a defender chasing behind you that you had already out run, he would tackle you before you got the kick off, every f***ing time...this made the abilty to perform these kicks usless because they never worked in the situations that they are suppossed to work in.

Offloading looked great but i saw that a stiff arm you attempted was in the opposite direction of the defender closing in on you, and you got smashed. The lack of control over which arm and direction you hand off defenders killed 2005, it would be a shame if this was not fixed. There is still bunching in general and I hate how when you run past players for a clear break to the try line with your fastest back, there will be several defenders including forwards chasing you (with obviosly no chance of catching up) for 60 meters all the way until you score. This is ******** as you english would say.

The best improvement I saw was the slowing of the screen turning and the pausing of gameplay while the screen was turning everytime the ball was turned over. In the last two games the gameplay wouldn't stop when you got a turn over or when you were speeding to pick up a ball kicked to you. You could not collect the ball and continue at the pace you were running because the switch of screen called for a quick switch of the analog to the opposite direction, which left your player standing still for a split second, totally ruining the gameplay. This and the offloading and the fast kicking makes this actually playable, but everything else seems the same.

Nice that this comes out during the 6 nations because rugby will be on the brain, but it will be next year before we get something amazing.

Also, rugby challenge was pure ****, so is the rugby challenge 2006, I feel sorry for anyone playing these games because they have the graphics of a supernintendo game, and the plastation 3 is almost here.

And if anyone can confirm whether or not side steps and shoulder charges work realistically, do so. oh.
Sidesteps do work, you can see them in the video you wached.

If RC 2006 is crap its not coz of the graphics! gameplay makes and breaks rugby games, and despite imperfect ai, rugby 2006 seems to have got the majority right.

Playstation 3 almost here? I dont think so, and when it does arrive we will not be seeing any rugby games for quite a while.

Locksley, greedy? Not on your life mate, and piracy is not endorsed on this forum.
They've finally got the atmosphere right, eg. Cheering when a break is made, not when the try is scored... chants and songs aswell
Originally posted by yotin@Feb 9 2006, 09:43 PM
You scored and the nz wing that was outside of your player with the ball just stood still. This was a glitch in the AI defense on any difficulty level in the last two games. **** is mad unrealistic when you score by outrunning the outside center to the outside, when there is wing that is even further outside of you as if he is defending an invisible attacker, and he doesn't even attempt to close in on your runner until he is well beat.

But... the grubber kick you made looked responsive and you did not get tackled by the defender running behind you. I dont know if any of you have noticed, but when you tried to grub kick or up and under past the last defender in both of the last two games, you would slow down so much when kicking the ball that you actually had zero chance of running past the defender to beat him to the ball, and if there was a defender chasing behind you that you had already out run, he would tackle you before you got the kick off, every f***ing time...this made the abilty to perform these kicks usless because they never worked in the situations that they are suppossed to work in.

Offloading looked great but i saw that a stiff arm you attempted was in the opposite direction of the defender closing in on you, and you got smashed. The lack of control over which arm and direction you hand off defenders killed 2005, it would be a shame if this was not fixed. There is still bunching in general and I hate how when you run past players for a clear break to the try line with your fastest back, there will be several defenders including forwards chasing you (with obviosly no chance of catching up) for 60 meters all the way until you score. This is ******** as you english would say.

The best improvement I saw was the slowing of the screen turning and the pausing of gameplay while the screen was turning everytime the ball was turned over. In the last two games the gameplay wouldn't stop when you got a turn over or when you were speeding to pick up a ball kicked to you. You could not collect the ball and continue at the pace you were running because the switch of screen called for a quick switch of the analog to the opposite direction, which left your player standing still for a split second, totally ruining the gameplay. This and the offloading and the fast kicking makes this actually playable, but everything else seems the same.

Nice that this comes out during the 6 nations because rugby will be on the brain, but it will be next year before we get something amazing.

Also, rugby challenge was pure ****, so is the rugby challenge 2006, I feel sorry for anyone playing these games because they have the graphics of a supernintendo game, and the plastation 3 is almost here.

And if anyone can confirm whether or not side steps and shoulder charges work realistically, do so.

Oh, and locks, if you have the game allready, put in on the internet so we can download it you greedy *******! :angry:
Oh My gosh look a foreign Los Lover. He has a doppelganger unbelievable.
One thing I did notice from the NZ v AUS vid is lots of AUS break happened right at the end of the game when NZ were tiring so this is quite realisitic. Also NZ were quite unucky on a few occasions when they had possesion, i.e kicks boucing the wrong way, AUS player blocking one of the kicks, forward passes etc. When NZ did have possesion and ran with it they looked dangerous esp when in the 22.

The kicking metre is a bit worrying - looks like a bug cos Locks can't get any of his kicks for goals.
That kicking thing simply cannot be a bug, there should be no way that broken kicking on expert level should make it past testers and out the door. Thats one thing that will kill this game, and I probably wont buy it if thats the case.....probably.
I know locks gets the game early... is it a final build or could this be a bug that would get ironed out? The other possibility is that the kicking technique changes at higher difficulty and locks doesn't know (not sure if he gets a manual or anything). As said above though, I can't believe something like this would slip through... even EA aren't THAT bad... are they!?
Just had a thought about people worrying that Elite difficulty isn't challenging Lcoks enough - I think we have to remember that rugby 2006 plays VERY similar to rugby 2005, so it makes sense to suppose that as Locks is good at rugby 2005 he is likely to also be good at 2006 from the start!

Anyway what I am saying is that Locks has really had over year to get good at the game, not just a few weeks, having already played 2005 to death and therefore it is comforting to know he is finding the new game a challenge on single player. For rugby 2005 most found the Ai too easy after a few weeks, so it is clear that the AI is much tougher in rugby 2006 - just read this post and it doesn't make much sense but I hope you know what I mean!
Comparing the video and RC2006 - RC2006 looks much quicker. I can't really see any major differences except the off-loads.

It just looks too slow (again)
Originally posted by jimmy44@Feb 9 2006, 11:06 PM
The kicking metre is a bit worrying - looks like a bug cos Locks can't get any of his kicks for goals.
...might help if Locks didn't hit the ball like he was 50mtrs out (instead of in front of goal) with FULL power - might make the kicking easier.......... ;)

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