OK....here were some of the things that my in law did to me that you will never see the computer do to you.
First the crazy SJRL defensive tactic of winding up your tackler earlier by moving him to build momentum while waiting for the ball to clear the ruck and then releasing him to turbo at you just barely staying onside. This flying defender is hard to counter when you use the hot potato pass off the first five as he just moves to your second five and the second gets a hospital.......CRUNCH!!! I tried chucking an inside ball BUT 40 percent of these passes are under pressure so.........FORWARD PASS!!! The sidestep to accelerate away still got run down, the fend with the first five.....well, when was the last time you saw a first five fending
The dummy never sells to a diving tackle.
So what i did was I tried the forwards......hospital....CRUNCH!!!! then i tried using the forwards on the other side of the ruck from the player he had chosen to wind up with momentum.....still the hospital.....CRUNCH!!!! (he converted and still had time to hospitalise me). Then tried pick and go..........CRUNCH with the wound up player (he just brought him in closer to the ruck to smash me, so he covers EVERYBODY when he winds up a player). He picks where the ball is going (pick n go/ short/ long/ halfback kick) very early and meets most of the receivers at hospital time. I even tried pick n go an looping around to the OTHER side but this was covered a lot by the AI loosies. The pick n go pass immediately only worked occassionally but most times it was crunch. Therefore I was forced to quickly spin it wide to avoid the flyer but he had chosen a defence that covered the outsides so it was NEVER an overlap.
The only success I had was to try and beat the flyer ONE on ONE with the FIRST FIVE by cutting in. This is because he sent his flyer pushing out to follow/ cover the entire backline if I spread it. However cutting back in with the first five was not 100% successful as there were loosies to contend with, sometimes he would follow me back in and tackle........so it was a bit of a guess game. The times when he did choose to go the wrong way I was able to head back out behind him and link up again with my backs.
I did notice that he often chose someone who was quick (Giteau for instance) as his first five. For attack or defensive reasons i think.
What I want to know regarding defeating this defensive strategy is HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR SECOND RECEIVER GET HIS HOT POTATO PASS AND STAY OUT? When i gave a hot potato pass to my second receiver too many times he ran ono the ball inwards straight into the flyer.....CRUNCH!!!!
I already have theories for this but I can't test it out as i won't hire the game till the weekend. They are:
Choose inside backs that are NOT crash ball specialists.
Fiddle with the left stick before the pass....perhaps holding it somewhere will change the angle run by the second receiver.
Don't touch the speed button (or touch the speed button).
Maybe these strange angles that the second reciever runs are the mysteries of the "Quick Set Play" that Sharks Fan mentioned before when he read it in those files?
Tommorow I will post another strategy that he used on me
Any ideas? Is there a genius at play out there?