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First of all, it's not a SuperSport page, it's a News24 page.
Secondly, this is why I don't like News24, because they have a particularly negative user base and they always do this kind of ****, insults and the like. All of them are a bunch of media whores.
Obviously heineken posted it on here to stir a bit, wasn't in the best taste but I'd doubt anybody's sense of humour who actually likes Jeff Dunham's puppet routine.
Every nations has those fans who spew this kind of crap and its a worrying sign that this is becoming a trend in rugby all over the world. I mean in 2007 Barnes was getting death threats for goodness sake. 2011 has been particularly bad. Players and fans alike have been at refs. This ref bashing needs to stop.
Look... Bryce Lawrence had a massive impact on the game, of that I have no doubt. I was angry too. I got over it. Most of SA got over it, we had a Currie Cup going on.
Yet this extremist pocket of fans carried on with the stir like this one fake article from The Australian (newspaper) and all those edited pics. Honestly, get a life. These are the same fans that only rock up when a WC is on when there is a focus on rugby. I HATE fair weather fans but they add to rugby's coffers so I just have to deal with them.
I personally saw this article on News24 and didn't read it cause I knew exactly that it was gonna bash Lawrence. I believe in voting with clicks when it comes to news websites. If I see something I don't like/support or whatever I don't click, and I urged other people to do the same. The media puts these articles up because it gets those all important clicks. If these weren't so well read and responded to then they wouldn't put them up. But no, this particular article got lots of clicks, and some people from NZ even made the effort to register with them to post a comment. Score.
Look at the bigger picture people! Does getting all emotional and resentful about one guys calling NZ'ers wife beaters really matter to you? C'mon guys, lets not bring this kind of negativity here.
Yeah, I dunno where the whole "Supersport" thing came from. I noticed it last night that I had that wrong, but I think it originally came from someone else earlier in the thread.
Also, it's not just "one guy calling NZ'ers wife beaters", that can be ignored as one idiot. The point is that there are dozens of users stating things like "we would DEFINITELY have beaten New Zealand and the cup if it wasn't for Bryce Lawrence". That type of thing from 3-4 respondents is a sample of arrogance that could just be a small pocket of any populace. It's a heck of a lot more than that in that articles responses. Some are telling us we are a nation of cheats, that we should be ashamed, that we've robbed a nation of something that would unify them all. There are many dozens of thumbs ups to the comments that speak in these ways and a fair few thumbs down to the few foreigners who've dared respond.
On top of all that? Not one person saying that they are a South African and they think the others should be ashamed of themselves. It tacit agreement with those views by a huge chunk (nearly all) of the readership, which suggests somethings wrong.
You've got a point though, it's just that when someone brings an article of such insulting negativity to a thread and people respond, it's hardly their fault. I agree that heineken must've brought this thread about to stir and when you set out to stir people up on the internet, then it's trolling. I guess we've just inadverently been feeding the troll.
Still, don't mistake passionate debate for me really giving a damn about the whole thing. I'm not all uptight or angry about this, just have been typing in a blunt to the point style as I haven't had time to soften it up with smiley emoticons and the like.
As an aside, isn't it good to see that pretty much every New Zealander you speak to agrees Bryce had a bad game? Still, having a bad game by no means assures that the victory would've happened for South Africa, just that the possibility is there that the game might've been totally different if more stringent policing of the breakdown had been established in the first 20mins. From there either side could have won. For now and forever now though, we're stuck with the result as New Zealanders have been in past instances.
I guess at least this thread has kept a bit of discussion going, and that's got to be good for stimulating a little readership on here if nothing else. :lol: