Well, statistically speaking, it`s gotta go to the AB class of 87- nobody came within 20 points of them. And they were just miles ahead of the game back then. While most sides in world rugby at that stage didn`t even bother with kickoffs, if Shelford and co. wanted a 15m kickoff with a 4.5 sec. hangtime, Fox delivered it. Seriously awesome.
The England class of 2003 were technically the best of the bunch, but they did have an actual regulation-time draw in the final. As did the Bok class of 95 in the final, and the Wallaby class of 99 in their semi.
And of course, let`s be serious about the Wallabies of 91- all credit to them for winning the tourney, BMT and all that. But they certainly weren`t the best side at RWC91 even, just like the SA class of 95 who might`ve won old Bill, but definately weren`t the best side of the tourney.
So for my money, gotta be the AB`s in 87, with Eng 03 a pretty close 2nd.