That's the point Superman is too dull & "mr perfect". Batman & Wolverine both have depth....it's the depth & back-story that make the characters who they are, it's also what always makes their hero status a struggle for them.
Ok, i'm not a comic book reader. I'm a film watcher, so from my perspective Wolverine has absolutely no back story.
The guy did some cage fighting, yadda yadda yadda, he joined the x-men school.
Batman is tragically scarred by his parents death - as is superman.
Superman is a shinning example because he is not human but has to act it day in day out. He doesn't mope around his mansion he's a busy body running around writing stories for his newspaper.
Clarke Kent and Lois Lane - Who's Batman got? There isn't a real love relationship there. (or am i mistaken?)
Superman also loses a second dad that's horrific.
Then again Superman doesn't have a little gay friend.