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Argentina to pick Pretoria as WC HQ


Juan VdS

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
Argentina May Choose High Performance Centre In Tshwane As World Cup Training Camp

HPC’s chief executive Toby Sutcliffe told Kickoff.com that Argentina are looking to use Pretoria's High Performance Centre as their base for the World Cup in South Africa.

The AFA representatives who visited the site during the Confederations Cup were highly impressed with the facilities that the HPC offers.

Sutcliffe said they have had other enquiries from 14 countries for the usage of their facilities, but the former World champions have the first right of refusal.

England, who are rumoured to have secured exclusive rights to use the facilities at the soon-to-be-completed Royal Bafokeng Sports Complex in Rustenburg, have the second right of refusal.

Italy, who were based at Southdowns Sports Complex in Centurion, Pretoria, during the Confederations Cup, have also indicated that they hope to use the facility during the World Cup.

The HPC is Southern Africa’s first elite one-stop sports complex which boasts training facilities, medical services and accommodation and each year world renowned athletes, local and overseas clubs and national teams use the HPC as their base camps in preparations for international events.

Sutcliffe said they are hoping that the paper work would be finalised in the next few weeks and they will be delighted to have Maradona and his array of superstars like Lionel Messi, Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano as their guests.

“They have showed serious interest in using our facility but as it stands now we haven’t signed anything.

“Everything should be completed in the next few weeks and it will be an honour for us to host a national team of their calibre,†Sutcliffe added.[/b]

MEH! :%#%#:

Couldn't have they chosen a place nearby Kaapstad?! Most of the Argentinians heading over to SA will stay in the Mother City... so this means we won't get the chance to see them training. Originally it was meant for the current world champions -- Italy -- to settle down there, but <strike>the capofamiglia</strike> AFA Chairman Julio Grondona pulled some strings to twist the final decision. <_<

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