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American Football vs. Rugby

Hmmmm....I think aerobic fitness might be the word you are looking for to descibe rugby. Anaerobic fitness is explosive fitness while aerobic is the long endurance type.

I agree that American Gridiron athletes are on another type of athletism that rugby players are not on....but it is not the type where their character is ever questioned. They are like weightlifters or 100m sprinters who are not tired when they step up to the bar or put their feet in the blocks. Therefore the temptation to lie down is almost non-existent. With a rugby player though he is always looking for a rest, always looking for a respite from the action, a time to recover and regain his breath. This is why rugby players including the best like Richie McCaw CANNOT go hardout like some turbo guy when they play because the body is always saying to stop and have a rest. Rugby is a game that presents players with the question of character...it questions players constantly on whether they want to keep going or whether they want to ease up a bit...or even whether they want to just give up. This one thing is what makes rugby better than gridiron more than anything else.
Hmmmm....I think aerobic fitness might be the word you are looking for to descibe rugby. Anaerobic fitness is explosive fitness while aerobic is the long endurance type.

I agree that American Gridiron athletes are on another type of athletism that rugby players are not on....but it is not the type where their character is ever questioned. They are like weightlifters or 100m sprinters who are not tired when they step up to the bar or put their feet in the blocks. Therefore the temptation to lie down is almost non-existent. With a rugby player though he is always looking for a rest, always looking for a respite from the action, a time to recover and regain his breath. This is why rugby players including the best like Richie McCaw CANNOT go hardout like some turbo guy when they play because the body is always saying to stop and have a rest. Rugby is a game that presents players with the question of character...it questions players constantly on whether they want to keep going or whether they want to ease up a bit...or even whether they want to just give up. This one thing is what makes rugby better than gridiron more than anything else.


My bad excuse my ENGRISH i failed 7th form english lol. Hmmm i guess you right then......
Gridiorn is played at a super high intensity every second that the 'clock' is runing, you never see anyone going half arsed when the ball is in play, this is because they have the breaks where as in rugby the dudes need to wait for a lineout or scrum...or just seagull on the wing.
It is very simple maths.

Have breaks - Go hard

Less breaks - Half hard, hard cruisy

No breaks - Cruisy most of the time till the end.
i dunno i would enjoy being a RB in nfl and have a blocker taking the hits haha.
Personally I prefer rugby. Football is really fun to play too but watching it is very boring. At my highschool half the team also played on the football team and they could barely last the entire game, with the exception of our Fly-half and outside centre who were both wide recievers on the football team and our some of our best players.
The football is more violent and used a lot of protection (that bothers to play), the very expensive equipment

In Change in rugby can play up naked!, And is not as violent as football, what may be the most violent tackles, but that there are arbitrators
I like more Rugby.
I think an American Football match is to many times stopped, for a tackle, a lost ball...I think the game should be more continuos and it would be more appreciable

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