TBH I don't really care what goes on behind the scenes or really particularly care what the players are like as people. Granted, others will.
Even if brilliantly done I doubt it will turn the dial too much. The hard core will always be there. Probably unlikely to attract too many who've previously had no interest. Sweet spot might be to engage some who've previously had a casual interest. Whether it's enough to get Olyy's dad and his mates going to league matches remains to be seen.
Didn't watch DTS either but I guess that will have had a load of advantages. There are a lot of petrolheads, it's high tech, it's glamorous, there's shedloads of money, it's spectacular, it's visual, it's global and there's always the possibility of someone getting badly hurt. Rugby only really has the last one and not in such spectacular ways.
Anything aimed at boosting the game is worth a try. Unlikely to watch but I guess big hits, lively language and a fairly macho culture are likely to feature, none of which will make little Jo(h)nny's mum think she must get him to the local club to give it a go.