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Advertising idea

Originally posted by getofmeland@May 7 2006, 10:54 AM
Woops didnt realise it had been updated

just going to have a look now...
What do you guys think of no. 9 from that link I posted above? (Don't worry I have quoted no.9 from the link)

9) Ad’s / banners

Advertising and banners at your forum. Be careful! I mean really careful. Some people ( including myself ) simply refuse to use sites, that have pop-ups. A banner is okay at the bottom or top, but not pop-ups!
If you’re as lucky as me to gain money from a banner ( or pop-up, if you have such ) make sure the members get to feel it!
A way to get more members is to get a better connection so everything will be a bit faster to load, or maybe some sort of competion, with an award.
It’s important that you do not tell your members how much you get from banner-ads! It’s important that you get a bite of the cake [/b]
well currently the boards hosting is paid for by Swordfish (Trev), so i dont know how we would really stand with more adverts
Can I just say something on culling of members that seems to be going on by dom the 'Admin', while alot of accounts are unused what happens if someone returns to find their account gone. They aren't really going to be in the mindset of getting a new one. Also having a high member count makes the forum look more popular and make it a more attractive looking forum.

Look at the Scrum V boards. They are crap but people still go on them, as they know that alot of people will be on to look at their points. So I was thinking that this forum could really get alot more members. We already have a great core membership and to my knowledge possess one of the best Rugby url's out there. However why are we still languishing in the 500-1000 member regions.

Also this seems to be the only site out there for rugby 06 mods. For cricket 2005 there is also a forum that produces a lot of mods, however it got a seperate modding site. From there they are receiving alot of members.

The forum http://www.planetcricket.net/

The mod site http://www.cricket2005.org/portal/


Stop your current deal with Swordfish for hosting... you've shot yourself in the foot with a poor business deal.

If you are treating this forum as a ‘business’ then whoever struck that deal should be removed from further decision making as they are incompetent.

As an example the gaming section of this forum has generated by far the most interest (outside of general rugby), by signing up with Swordfish for your fundamental building block - hosting and only hosting which is only a deal worth under 100 pound a year easy, in fact all of your running cost (excluding legal fees and public liability) should be under 100 pound a year.
With this deal in place you have limited the advertising and marketing revenue that the site can create.

The point I am trying to get across is that by accepting hosting and not cash (to broker the best deal for hosting) you have limited yourself to any other company that is prepared to spend cash on not just advertising but MARKETING (yes two different things)... advertising is a banner or an add (in basic) whilst MARKETING is the fulfilment of interest... that’s what’s missing.
Shame about EA Sports... big time shame about EA Sports.

Great forum - poor business sense.
I don't agree.

Not that it has anything to do with me - I've worked my way up from being a member to being an admin/owner in waiting.

I think having Swordfish as our host has been one of the biggest turning points of this forum. We no longer suffer from downtime as a result of unreliable hosting. TRF has twice been looking good, and twice lost everything due to the hosting.

I know what you mean about people signing up just for the rugby gaming section. It gets on my nerves as well. But that's just the price we pay - and it is the only price we pay for hosting. It's all well and good saying it should cost under £100 a year - who is going to pay for all this?

I'm a young man with a house and a wedding to save up for. Unless I get a well paid job, I ain't paying out that sort of money. Many members have said that they wouldn't donate - people need to realise that in order to take TRF forward, they're going to have to put their hands in their pockets. There's only so much I can do, financially.

And I won't be enabling the donate feature until the board and domain name are signed, sealed, delivered, in my name. I'm not doing anything regarding money until the takeover is complete.

I'm really grateful to Swordfish for the last 2 years - smooth running.
I agree with you St Helens. i remember way back before rugby 2004 and everything looked good as then it all went pear shapped i it seemed to go off the map for ages! Finally it came back on but it took a long time to get back togeather. Then it happened again but i must say not it is looking more professional then ever! GREAT job guys!
Not having a go in any way, by the way Dumbo, I've even plus repped you for the suggestion.

But Jinxed_nz has summed it up - TRD vanished for 6 months at one point. And with Swordfish, we haven't been gone for 6 seconds in 2 years plus.
...And you have to ask yourself. What's more important? Bringing in the bucks and losing a great host, or keeping the great host and have TRF running smoothly for all the regulars?

That is why losing Swordfish shouldn't really be an option. There are other ways to lengthen the penis rather than buying cheap **** that will probably make it drop off(line)
Swordfish arn't hosting though are they, do a trace route...
Quality hosting is very very important, personaly I'd have gone for the cash and brokered the deal for hosting
Originally posted by Dumbo@May 22 2006, 06:22 PM
Swordfish arn't hosting though are they, do a trace route...
Quality hosting is very very important, personaly I'd have gone for the cash and brokered the deal for hosting

They pay for the hosting... Which is excellent.

They specialise in outsourced hosting, 6 Pound a year for basic (comes with forum).

First thing... not trying to take the **** out of anyone... but if your going to be in business, check the numbers or find someone who can.

Tracert for Windows users...
Start, run, type in cmd and press enter, type the following; tracert www.therugbyforum.com

The last place you stop is where you're being hosted.

6 Pound a year.

Swordfish is not a hosting company, at this stage I would say that their marketing budget is not exactly being taxed to assist the rugbyforum.
Originally posted by Dumbo@May 27 2006, 09:58 AM
St Helens RLFC now is good time to be talking to me
Sorry, totally forgot about this thread.

I don't see why you're so keen to change host?

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