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A Suggestion on Restructuring the Welsh Premiership


Academy Player
Aug 12, 2008
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To whom it may concern

In the most recent issue of RugbyWorld, Ireland edition, Tom Shanklin, former Wales and Lions centre,stated that it is his belief that, "The only way the NorthernHemisphere will catch up with the Southern Hemisphere is by having Summer rugby", an opinion echoed by current Cardiff Blues centre,and former partner to Shanklin, Casey Laulala. It appears that Shanklin holds a similar opinion to myself. Shanklin suggests that,"Playing week in and week out in good conditions with less rainmeans players are going to run more and the quality of rugby will be better.", while also suggesting that from a fans prospective,"nicer weather means better events." Of course the effects wouldnot be seen for a few years, a fact that Shanklin admits: "it wouldn't be a case of having Summer rugby and all of a sudden the play would be brilliant" but as I believe , "in the end you'd geta far better quality sport".

In my experience of playing in Ireland,Wales and New Zealand I would argue that this model wouldn't work everywhere but would most certainty, I feel, would work in Wales.Though I agree with Shanklin's opinion, I wouldn't go as far assuggesting to move all Northern Hemisphere rugby to the Summer, only the Welsh Premiership. I argue that integration, and cross border competition, of the different tiers is the best means to advance playing standards, with prime examples being New Zealand and South African models.

Both New Zealand and South Africa usespilt seasons to integrate the tiers and up playing standards. So for example, in New Zealand while Super Rugby (April/May-June) is being played the domestic season in New Zealand(February/March-July/August)is under way, not the NPC but the different Union's domestic leagues. After the Super Rugby Season has finished you would find a lot ofthese players, if not selected for the All Blacks, going back totheir home clubs and playing the end of the club season. After thisthe different Unions select players from their domestic and Super Rugby Teams to form their Provincialteams(July/August-September/October), which from time to time haveAll Black players playing. This is a lot of integration on a yearly cycle that allows for a lot of growth for players in grass root rugby right up to the All Blacks.

This model is very close to the South African model, and it is this model I would argue best suits Wales. Unlike Ireland and England, were you would find all the best talentgetting nurtured in the All Ireland League, the RFU Championship orthe English Premiership 2nds league, Wales is not using the rich heritage of the clubs to its full potential to grow talent.

My suggestion is move the Welsh Premiership to the Summer, while allowing all other rugby to continue. The first step has been taken, cutting the teams in the league to ten. My suggestion relies heavily on the regions releasing all Academy products and Fringe players to play in the Premiership window with local clubs players, and if allowing, regional or international players, but this is not hugely important, as fringe/academy players learn from the regions who in turn pass it tothe Premiership sides.

The next step of the integration phasethat needs to be considered is the Premiership players who have beenlearning from the regional players in the Premiership. Pontypridd have players from numerous sides all across the valleys, such as Beddau. In this model any player from a Premiership side, such as Pontypridd, is free to play for their local club outside of the Premiership window. However the Irish player management program needs to be mirrored so that players are fit and able to play in the Premiership, or if needed their region. In this model common sense needs to be addressed, so perhaps the WRU can appoint a Premiership players' manager who ensures players don't play too much rugby overthe year.

This system allows for all four tiers of Welsh rugby, International, Regional, Premiership and club to rub shoulders and learn from one another. As I mentioned above already I believe that integration of the tiers and cross border competition is the key to growth. In my suggestion the main playing window for the Welsh Premiership would be played from March-April to August/September, however the British and Irish Cup, and any Welshcup games would be still be contested for. Meaning that there would be additional cross border games in the November and February/Marchwindows. This would lead to fresh teams playing in the B&I cup and no need to worry about player burn out before the Premiership window, presuming the managers are doing their jobs and actually looking after player welfare.

One of my last two last points are the advantages of the Premiership being during the Summer. As Tom Shanklin suggests it would allow for a good environment that would encourage running attacking rugby while also allowing for a good set of basic skills to develop. A further advantage would be that the Regions no longer have to compete with the Premiership clubs for attendance figures, and, more importantly, the Premiership would begiven it's own stand alone window that would allow it to take centre stage. With some smart marketing, in terms of ticket prices, eventsand a T.V. deal for a weekly televised match, attendance may growagain in the Premiership. If not Wales still have a breeding groundfor young players coming through.

My last point is that if the WRU everdecides to make the Premiership fully professional through central-funding, or other means, the professional players of the Premiership,in this model, become grass root rugby coaches. These fully proplayers who play during the Summer, and their clubs during the Winter, would all be passed through the basic coaching badges, so that they would be able to go to local schools or clubs to develop the game even further. Of course not all players are good coaches, but those few players who make good coaches, who are unable to breakthrough to a regional contract, then become the next generation of Welsh coaching talent.

In summary the potential of the Welsh Premiership cannot be ignored. Wales, I believe, have the playerbase, the support and the finances to support a Summer windowPremiership that would create a solid set of core skills, encourage attacking rugby and allow the Premiership to take centre stage while not threatening the regions. With this breeding ground of young Welsh talent feeding into the Regions, and then to the international team,it is my belief that Welsh rugby would prosper in an environment itis starting to slip in; not because of lack of talent but because Wales have chosen not to use the Welsh Premiership to its fullpotential.
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The Welsh Premiership rugby has changed as you have somewhat covered ... and summer rugby is not the answer, it never has and never will be.

You would have to change the entire Welsh rugby structure which is never going to happen.
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The Welsh Premiership rugby has changed ... and summer rugby is not the answer.

I'm well aware that the Premiership has changed. This is were the idea came from. But why do you not agree? Opinions are welcome.
You do have a decent point there tbf, and something does need to be done. Would be fantastic for Welsh rugby if we could get the Premiership up to the same standard as the likes of the ITM Cup. Not 100% certain summer rugby is the way to go about it, though it does have a fair few advantages. Would definitely allow the fringe players from the region and the up and coming youngsters more of a chance to play imo. One thing that could be interesting for the Premiership teams is whether or not they carry on to play the British and Irish Cup during the 'regular' rugby season.
Personally, I'd like to wait and see if the already announced changes improve anything - and also how the improvement of Rugby Gogledd Cymru comes along when they're put into the league system.
You do have a decent point there tbf, and something does need to be done. Would be fantastic for Welsh rugby if we could get the Premiership up to the same standard as the likes of the ITM Cup. Not 100% certain summer rugby is the way to go about it, though it does have a fair few advantages. Would definitely allow the fringe players from the region and the up and coming youngsters more of a chance to play imo. One thing that could be interesting for the Premiership teams is whether or not they carry on to play the British and Irish Cup during the 'regular' rugby season.
Personally, I'd like to wait and see if the already announced changes improve anything - and also how the improvement of Rugby Gogledd Cymru comes along when they're put into the league system.

Under this new system fringe players of regions are / should be playing for the selected club sides.

Think the WRU have got it right trying to pool together the best talent in Wales in an 'elite' league. It's up to the regions to buy into it and use the league correctly.
You do have a decent point there tbf, and something does need to be done. Would be fantastic for Welsh rugby if we could get the Premiership up to the same standard as the likes of the ITM Cup. Not 100% certain summer rugby is the way to go about it, though it does have a fair few advantages. Would definitely allow the fringe players from the region and the up and coming youngsters more of a chance to play imo. One thing that could be interesting for the Premiership teams is whether or not they carry on to play the British and Irish Cup during the 'regular' rugby season.
Personally, I'd like to wait and see if the already announced changes improve anything - and also how the improvement of Rugby Gogledd Cymru comes along when they're put into the league system.

Thanks for your feedback and opinions. Very much appreciated. Since my time in Wales I firmly believe that this country has the full potential to have it's own ITM standard competition. I'm a firm believer, as I said above, that the integration of the tiers is key for any development. It's simple stuff; to be the best you have to play with or against the best. I'm a firm believer that Georgian, Russian and whoever else should be included in the Amlin as soon as possible just for this purpose. I feel that the best integration could happen during the summer. Why do you feel it's not the answer?

Also I did mention my stance on the B&I Cup-

"In my suggestion the main playing window for the Welsh Premiership would be played from March-April to August/September, however the British and Irish Cup, and any Welsh cup games would be still be contested for. Meaning that there would be additional cross border games in the November and February/March windows. This would lead to fresh teams playing in the B&I cup and no need to worry about player burn out..." Something us Irish do every year come Heineken cup time.

Under this new system fringe players of regions are / should be playing for the selected club sides.

Think the WRU have got it right trying to pool together the best talent in Wales in an 'elite' league. It's up to the regions to buy into it and use the league correctly.

Totally agree that the WRU have started to move in the right direction my concentrating the player base to make it more competitive. However the regions don't use the league to it's full potential. Look at the whole Neath/Ospreys thing. And Pontypridd has a lot of ageing players in their starting XV. Playing fringe and academy with young local talent in a stand alone window seems to work in New Zealand and South Africa, why not Wales? I live just down the road from Ponty's "House of Pain" and I personally would love to go see lovely running rugby at the start/end of term.
Have to disagree the way the wruin is going is not good for club rugby .The clubs are struggling to exist as it is fewer fixtures is not what they need a big improvement in welsh rugby would be to ban all nwq players from playing for welsh teams LET WELSH PLAYERS PLAY regular rugby

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