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5 post rule

<div class='quotemain'>but it doesn't give off a great 1st impression to new members to be forced into posting stuff before you can read what you came here to read!

We don't charge anything for all the exclusive information we provide do we?

This forum started dishing out information long before EA announced anything of substance. It's hardly a chore that we ask people to make a small contribution to discussion in order to gain access to that info is it?

Well it is really to be honest! Its a bit draconian to force people to post in some random forum when they have come to this site to contribute to a gaming discussion.

Added to that as I said I'm on about post ten now and I still can't get in there.

I'm not trying to be difficult here, just giving you an honest 1st impression that IMO its a bit annoying.
It is because of how much stealing of information people have been taking from us and posting on their own sites without credting it back to us, some even going so far as to riup entire member articles and post them as their own. It's expensive to run the forum, so when so much traffic is being used by net-predators, raping articles and such for their own benifit, we need to make sure that only people who want to be part of the community are allowed in; Think of it as a reward.

Plus, so many people don't even realise that rugby exists in real life so maybe they'd be interested in looking away from the video games section.
Five decent posts on a sport isn't really much to ask for. You don't seem to realise the huge amount of members we have are only here to leech off of the games section.
I was the joint creator of the rule, and I stand by it. I appreciate it's not always ideal but it's not a lot to ask for. We have some really good info on Rugby 2008. I'm sick of leeches swiping it.

I'm not asking a lot at all. Just get involved. And, what's more, we have a rugby section as well. I don't think it's much to talk rugby either. This is a rugby board afterall - we're just lucky to have a fantastic source.
eh lads Im not the biggest fan of the idea to be honest.

I'm a new joiner and I joined because I'm trying desperately to find rugby 08 info.

I'm also a keen munster and ireland fan so I'll happily contribute about them when I want to, but it doesn't give off a great 1st impression to new members to be forced into posting stuff before you can read what you came here to read!

Added to that this is about my 8th post and I still can't get into any of those forums? Whats the story?

The Posts don't count unless they are 30 Characters. Which isn't that much - This post here must be close to 30 characters.
I personally believe that you are lucky to only have to post 5 replies.

How about a £10 joining fee; would you rather pay that than post your 5 (30+ characters) posts?
We'll have to deal with the pain, thats what happens in forums, you can't really defend against it other than keep a vigilant watch and make sure everyone keeps to the rules.

Allot of those schmucks just want to get their five posts as quickly as possible and go back to lurking in the EA Sports forum again but we are getting a good few guys who looked up and said "crikey! There is a whole other forum up there!" and got stuck in. [/b]

I'll have to fess up here.. I was looking all over the net for any info at all on Rugby 08 back in April, and the rugby 08 threads on easports were just not cutting it for me. So i finally came across therugbyforum. I am now a totally reformed forum lurker. I had never signed up for a forum before unless it was required to see the pages.. and i had definately never posted on one. That was before you put the 5 post thing on, and so i saw the info i wanted, and then realised that this forum was AWESOME! i think i posted a couple of times in the rugby 08 threads, but i cant remember.

But what really got me into posting on this forum was reading Ripper's arguments about the ABs not being chokers, and then i decided to really get into it, and realised how fun it is to post, and also realised how awesome the knowledge of a lot of guys on this forum is, and since i have been posting and reading on here i know more about rugby internationally at the moment than i have since i was at school and had no time for anything else but rugby!

So i guess what im saying here is that i'm not sure that i would have stayed around to look at the rest of the forum if i wasnt able to see the rugby 08 threads.. but now that i have i am a totally reformed lurker, and really enjoy actively participating in this forum.

But i also agree with the fact that there is only about 40 people that post regularly, and i dont really know what everyone else is doing.. so i guess if the 5 post rule makes people read the other threads first and maybe force them to participate, then yeah, its a really good rule.

And hell yeah, the first post was the hardest... but now i want to see what people think of what i think, and generally its really constructive opinions that i hear...

TRF is AWESOME, congrats guys on the AWESOMENESS, and anything that you can do to f*** off the useless people from this forum can only be good.


former useless person
Yeah, I generally have that effect of ******* people off and forcing them to respond to me.
I get the 5 post quota to post, but why up it to 10. Like I've said elsewhere, it's not as though all forums aren't visited mostly by lurkers.

You can't stop people from stealing information from your site. They'll continue to do so no matter what the limit is. It only takes one person to do it and the info is gone.

What you do, however, is limit your audience (which perhaps you want to do given how expensive bandwidth costs can be). The Rugby Forum saw an uptick in users around 6N time when this site was linked from the BBC. It's about to see another uptick with the release of Rugby 08 and the World Cup.

Not everybody who has time to read a site like this has time to participate in conversations. It's very time consuming.

The Rugby Forum is _the_ destination on the web for info on Rugby 08. It's a shame that it's not going to be shared with more potential Rugby 08 owners. Remember, the more people buy the game, the better the next iteration will be - count on it.

It's your forum though, so do what you like.
Yes, very true. However, allot of those visitors from the upsurge surrounding the release of Rugby 08 will be mainly lurkers trying to get at the Rugby 08 information.

Like it or not, TRF is first, second and last a forum about rugby. Real life rugby! And as much as it galls those who just want to come here and leech off of the Rugby 06/08 section, the posting quotas are there for a reason: to remind visitors to TRF of the prime function of this forum: to provide a forum for passionate debate about rugby in the real world.

Take that as you will, however, I believe that the quotas are a good thing and I will support the quotas for as long as they exist.

Remember, the first post is always the hardest, but give it a try!
Yes, very true. However, allot of those visitors from the upsurge surrounding the release of Rugby 08 will be mainly lurkers trying to get at the Rugby 08 information.

Of course they will be! That's how they find this site! They're looking for news and information on Rugby 08 and this is the premier place on the web to find it. It's also the place where the most seasoned and passionate players of the game congregate to chat about the game.

I don't come here for news about the sport of Rugby, I read RSS feeds of newspapers for that. I don't feel the need to get into online discusions about the sport. I get quite enough of that offline, thanks.

Like it or not, TRF is first, second and last a forum about rugby. Real life rugby! And as much as it galls those who just want to come here and leech off of the Rugby 06/08 section, the posting quotas are there for a reason: to remind visitors to TRF of the prime function of this forum: to provide a forum for passionate debate about rugby in the real world.

That may be the prime function of the forum in your eyes, but not everybody visits the site for the same purpose. Nobody forces you read the newspaper from cover to cover if all you want to read is the sport. "It's a NEWSpaper so you have to read the NEWS section before you can read more."

There must be better tactics to draw folks into reading the other threads they'll find here. For instance: come up with the best comment/thread on a weekly basis and PM it to all the users. Good luck though - the signal to noise ratio is pretty low at TRF though (that's its charm for many who participate), so it'll be tough to identify a thread weekly rather than a comment.

As it stands, I suspect the majority of the new visitors who will be arriving here in the coming months will be turned off and will not come back and you'll lose new Rugby 08 users who would have been drawn into the conversation later.

This has been a tremendous building year for the forum. If you are able to continue to get high profile links like the BBC's during the 6N, you could turn this site into one that is supported by advertising in time. I would argue that shutting folks out is a way to ensure this doesn't happen (or at least not as quickly).

Don't be offended because I don't post here. It's not meant as a personal affront. I get the 5 post quota, that's fine, just please don't keep making me waste my time when you're upping the count every couple of weeks.

BTW, I have seen information quoted on other sites with TRF attributed - it's not ALL leeching.
<div class='quotemain'>
Yes, very true. However, allot of those visitors from the upsurge surrounding the release of Rugby 08 will be mainly lurkers trying to get at the Rugby 08 information.

Of course they will be! That's how they find this site! They're looking for news and information on Rugby 08 and this is the premier place on the web to find it. It's also the place where the most seasoned and passionate players of the game congregate to chat about the game.

I don't come here for news about the sport of Rugby, I read RSS feeds of newspapers for that. I don't feel the need to get into online discusions about the sport. I get quite enough of that offline, thanks.

Like it or not, TRF is first, second and last a forum about rugby. Real life rugby! And as much as it galls those who just want to come here and leech off of the Rugby 06/08 section, the posting quotas are there for a reason: to remind visitors to TRF of the prime function of this forum: to provide a forum for passionate debate about rugby in the real world.

That may be the prime function of the forum in your eyes, but not everybody visits the site for the same purpose. Nobody forces you read the newspaper from cover to cover if all you want to read is the sport. "It's a NEWSpaper so you have to read the NEWS section before you can read more."

There must be better tactics to draw folks into reading the other threads they'll find here. For instance: come up with the best comment/thread on a weekly basis and PM it to all the users. Good luck though - the signal to noise ratio is pretty low at TRF though (that's its charm for many who participate), so it'll be tough to identify a thread weekly rather than a comment.

As it stands, I suspect the majority of the new visitors who will be arriving here in the coming months will be turned off and will not come back and you'll lose new Rugby 08 users who would have been drawn into the conversation later.

This has been a tremendous building year for the forum. If you are able to continue to get high profile links like the BBC's during the 6N, you could turn this site into one that is supported by advertising in time. I would argue that shutting folks out is a way to ensure this doesn't happen (or at least not as quickly).

Don't be offended because I don't post here. It's not meant as a personal affront. I get the 5 post quota, that's fine, just please don't keep making me waste my time when you're upping the count every couple of weeks.

BTW, I have seen information quoted on other sites with TRF attributed - it's not ALL leeching. [/b][/quote]
TRF is f___ing magic! And it's not cool to come and f___ with the magic.
It's a forum, which be definition is a place for the exchange of ideas. It's a forum about Rugby. It is not a forum strictly about rugby games. We, because we are the first and last word in rugby forums, are privy to information because we are, as already stated, the first and last word in rugby forums. So, participate with us. Why the f___ do you just want to read about a rugby video game and not actually talk about real live rugby, or another equally interesting thread currently going on about hot chicks? Do you not like real rugby? Do you not like hot chicks? I for sure like both of those things, that's why I participate on the forum of magic, TR to tha motha f___in' F.
Thank You. :D
Well being a "newbie" I hope I am adding to the conversations...Yes so far my threads have been USA focused but what can I say, besides the All Blacks I gotta back my mates...
iv made a couple of posts now, however my profile is saying that i've only posted one or not posted any at all! what's up with that? i really wana see the ea rugby 08 forum! :(

Five decent posts on a sport isn't really much to ask for. You don't seem to realise the huge amount of members we have are only here to leech off of the games section. [/b]
prestwick, how did you make that signature?!
prestwick, how did you make that signature?!

That had nothing to do with what I had quoted there. I've got a good mind to delete that post altogether :p
iv made a couple of posts now, however my profile is saying that i've only posted one or not posted any at all! what's up with that? i really wana see the ea rugby 08 forum! :(

Posts have to be at least 30 Characters Long or else they won't count.
Of course they will be! That's how they find this site! They're looking for news and information on Rugby 08 and this is the premier place on the web to find it. It's also the place where the most seasoned and passionate players of the game congregate to chat about the game.

I don't come here for news about the sport of Rugby, I read RSS feeds of newspapers for that. I don't feel the need to get into online discusions about the sport. I get quite enough of that offline, thanks.[/b]

I think you're missing the point. This forum is not just for Rugby 08, it isn't just here for people to gabber on about the game. The Rugby 08 section is a sideshow to the main event. That main event is rugby in the real world: the Guinness Premiership, the Magners League, Super 14, Six Nations, Tri Nations, NA4 and the World Cup.

This is not what the primary function is in my eyes, this is the primary function of the forum full stop! No arguments, no discussion and no debate: this forum is primarily here for us to talk rugby, rugby and more rugby with a bit of other sport, politics and gaming on the side.

That may be the prime function of the forum in your eyes, but not everybody visits the site for the same purpose. Nobody forces you read the newspaper from cover to cover if all you want to read is the sport. "It's a NEWSpaper so you have to read the NEWS section before you can read more."[/b]

This is not a newspaper, this is forum, a forum where we want people to contribute rather than just come in, not post a jot, take stuff from the Rugby 08 part of the forum without a "how'do" and leave. That is just not acceptible, especially when this is being put up for free.

There must be better tactics to draw folks into reading the other threads they'll find here. For instance: come up with the best comment/thread on a weekly basis and PM it to all the users. Good luck though - the signal to noise ratio is pretty low at TRF though (that's its charm for many who participate), so it'll be tough to identify a thread weekly rather than a comment.[/b]

Better still, just keep the quota. If you've bothered to notice, it doesn't harm those who look up from salivating at Rugby 08 and say "oh, crikey! Theres a whole forum out there, lets jump in!" And start to post, it doesn't harm those who have the confidence and post.

Face it, the only people who it does harm to are those who are just too lazy to post anything, just want to leech off of the information listed here and thats why we have a few sticks in the mud who don't want to contribute anything, demanding something for free.

As it stands, I suspect the majority of the new visitors who will be arriving here in the coming months will be turned off and will not come back and you'll lose new Rugby 08 users who would have been drawn into the conversation later.

This has been a tremendous building year for the forum. If you are able to continue to get high profile links like the BBC's during the 6N, you could turn this site into one that is supported by advertising in time. I would argue that shutting folks out is a way to ensure this doesn't happen (or at least not as quickly).[/b]

Getting traffic from people coming from links from the BBC or other rugby sources has nothing to do with people heading here directly for the Rugby 08 section. People coming here from the BBC 6N blog will not be inhibited from viewing the forum, they will not be clicking on that link because of the Rugby 08 material and in any case, the five post quota is not aimed at those kind of visitors and as such, they will not be affected by it.

We are not "shutting folks out" who are coming through the links listed in the BBC, etc because they are coming here for the rugby talk and not for the Rugby 08 talk. This point simply doesn't stand up to the facts.

Don't be offended because I don't post here. It's not meant as a personal affront. I get the 5 post quota, that's fine, just please don't keep making me waste my time when you're upping the count every couple of weeks. [/b]

We're not offended, we've never been offended by the few and far between gripes about the post count. We're just amused that some people spend so much time writing huge (and flawed) treatises on why the 5/10 post count is wrong, when they could have used that creative energy to discuss, debate and argue about Rugby on the main part of the forum! It boggles the mind honestly!
I've posted a lot of messages during rugby 05 and 06 and participate in balls and players kits generation. But i've lost my account name and password.
Now I've seen that we must have 5 msg to enter into EA Rugby 08 topic. I have posted 5 messages. Now, we must have 10 messages.

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