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[2016 RBS Six Nations] Round 3: England vs. Ireland (27/02/2016)

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The guy swinging his boots without due care made it dangerous. Feel free to disagree, but you're not going to change my mind on that, and sooner or later World Rugby's going to have to take the same stance if they want to avoid concussion ruining the game.


Letter of the law

10.4 (c) Kicking. A player must not kick an opponent.

Also - of possibly less relevance due to me being unsure quite whether it's intended, although the language seems clear - http://laws.worldrugby.org/?domain=10&clarlaw=16&clarification=1016&language=EN -

"The designated members agree that it is illegal to kick the ball from the hands of a player in possession in any circumstances."
"Danger may arise if a tackled player fails to release the ball or move away from it immediately, or if that player is prevented from so doing. If either of these happens the referee awards a penalty kick immediately."

I agree with your motives (stopping concussion ruining the game), but not the means you are suggesting. Danger only comes into the ruck when a player needs to repeatedly swing to strike the ball loose, and this only happens if a player is illegally preventing the ball from coming loose. To penalise Brown in place of Murray sets the precedence that players can use their body as a human shield to protect an opponent from kicking at the ball, and it may have the unintended consequence of more people being kicked.

You tackle this in two ways:
  • The safest option would be to do away with kicking in the ruck. It's not exactly an integral part of rugby.
  • Or you more rigidly enforce players releasing the ball after being tackled, to avoid players needing more than one swing at the ball.
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