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2016 Olympic Games, Rio

Interestingly despite my pessimism yesterday we're actually doing better in these games so far than we did 2012.


On the medal count we've come dangerous close to 4 more Bronze's as well (Fencing, Swimming, Gymnastics and Rugby 7's).

I'll be surprised if we manged it though.

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Going on from Basketball discussion yup it should go the way of the dodo it's not the pinacle of the sport. Along with Football

General Public don't view that with Tennis but you only have to look Djokovic's reaction to know it matters to the players. Only complaint is it should be a Grand Slam format (best of 5 sets as opposed to best of 3 except the final)

Golf seams stupid and the players dropping out clearly don't care that can change over time but I don't know how long your can persist.

Baseball was rightly dropped.

I'd like to see Cricket drop the T20 world cup and play it at the Olympics instead (the tournamens last 2 weeks so it easially fits). I am disappointed World Rugby renegged on their decision to drop the 7's world cup to make the Olympics the premier event.
Going on from Basketball discussion yup it should go the way of the dodo it's not the pinacle of the sport. Along with Football

General Public don't view that with Tennis but you only have to look Djokovic's reaction to know it matters to the players. Only complaint is it should be a Grand Slam format (best of 5 sets as opposed to best of 3 except the final)

Golf seams stupid and the players dropping out clearly don't care that can change over time but I don't know how long your can persist.

Baseball was rightly dropped.

I'd like to see Cricket drop the T20 world cup and play it at the Olympics instead (the tournamens last 2 weeks so it easially fits). I am disappointed World Rugby renegged on their decision to drop the 7's world cup to make the Olympics the premier event.

I agree; I think that the Olympics should be the pinnacle, or equal to the pinnacle of the sport.
Basketball just isn't; nor is Baseball (though it's back for Tokyo); nor are football or golf. Shooting isn't a sport IMO (my personal description, results improved with either an increase in skill OR an increase in physical fitness - as in both are needed, and an increase in either will directly affect personal performance).

Tennis is; even if most casual tennis fans don't think so - just have a look at the previous winners, and it's a who's who of tennis players from the last 30 years; and the likes of Federer counting his Olympic medals (he has one of each IIRC), or Edburg his Olympic bronze as their most treasured possessions (let alone the likes of Agassi, Nadal, Murray, Graf, Williams, Williams, Davenport saying the same about their golds); or Djoker's interview etc etc.
Olympics is at least the equal of any grand slam; even with its best of 3 sets format.

Still can't believe they're allowing 5 new sports in for Tolyo, but still rejecting Squash.
Will the rugby be on one of the Beeb's main channels tomorrow or just on the red button? If so, which one? I have to get ready to leave at 4pm CET tomorrow and won't be back until 9.30pm at the earliest, so I won't be able to watch most of it live and would like to record it instead. Somehow, the guide for the red buttons I have (since I don't have a Skybox or a Freesat box, I actually receive the red buttons as individual channels) doesn't seem right.
Doubt much outside of the Team GB games will be shown on BBC 1,2 OR 4.

I'm watching it on their website.

I take it it's also available on demand later on?
The BBC run an extremely fluidic system across BBC's 1, 2 (the switches between 1 and 2 are annoying as hell and serve little purpose we had to change channel for 30mins last night for Eastenders....#1stworldproblems) and 4. Knowing what is on when is very hard as their main focus outside the red button is covering Team GB. If we aren't doing anything of note you may know what is on but it's rare.

So yeah unsure what I can suggest I think the BBC might have replays for events shortly after they've happened for a period of time they did in 2012 but I'm struggling to keep up with everything as it happens without going back to watch stuff.
Will the rugby be on one of the Beeb's main channels tomorrow or just on the red button? If so, which one? I have to get ready to leave at 4pm CET tomorrow and won't be back until 9.30pm at the earliest, so I won't be able to watch most of it live and would like to record it instead. Somehow, the guide for the red buttons I have (since I don't have a Skybox or a Freesat box, I actually receive the red buttons as individual channels) doesn't seem right.

The main BBC channels will show the highlight matches; you'd need to go the red button lot to get coverage for the day. Even then, that didn't work yesterday, as they decided all the ply-offs below 4th place didn't really matter - those were still on the website / iPlayer though (with far, far better commentary than the BBC team; those Aussies actually seemed to know who and what they were talking about!).

I take it it's also available on demand later on?
Yep, it'll all be on iPlayer for about a month - including the matches BBC don't show at all on principal channels or red button.
Yep... don't need to worry about recording it.

Just go to the main olympics page in the sports section, click on "schedule" --> "rugby sevens" --> "watch".
And you can watch the whole event from the beginning to the end.

I actually would have preferred recording it as that saves me from having to sign up to SmartDNS again. Also, my nettop that's hooked up to my TV doesn't have sound any more ever since I upgraded to Windows 10. :(

Be glad you get that much coverage on TV and even more online. Thanks to the private channels, all German public TV is allowed to offer is TV coverage on one channel and up to six streams. And they love not only switching from sport to sport or showing the news instead, but also prefer interviews, showing highlights and talking about doping all the time instead of showing some actual live sport. Even some casual viewers aren't happy with it.
The BBC's product when it comes to the Olympics is quite simply astonishing (sure some people complain they always will). We can pretty much watch any of the sports live with wall to wall coverage. But the level of technical and logistical knowledge that is required to pull it off is huge. You look at the ******** the USA get from NBC and it is something to be proud of.

We're also lucky it has protected status in the UK which means it must be on free to air terrestrial television and Murdoch doesn't appear to want to get his slimy paws on it (yes I have Sky I don't bite my nose off to spite my face).
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Totally... people really underestimate how good the BBC's tv product is.

They've basically been using the Netflix model since day 1.
BBC has it's faults - most of which involve governmental interferance; but it's a hell of a lot better than any of the alternatives.

Let's face it, BBC Nature and the Olympics coverage is worth the licence fee on it's own.
As well as the app support for the iPlayer, the number of devices and the quality is amazing, you also get more content on demand in better quality than elsewhere. It's sad how the licence fee here is higher, the population is higher, we have to endure ads during the day during the week, but yet the overall product is so much worse. Sure, we have much more public TV channels than you do, but an awful lot of that is repeats or simply not good. Yet too many people here actually are satisfied with it because they don't know any better. Upgrading our dish for British TV was such a great decision. There's a reason that those few of us that receive the British channels on TV or access their online services like them so much.
@ratsapprentice: Thanks for your PM, your inbox is full, so this'll have to do as an answer.
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Yep, France leading in the first half 14-0 against Australia.

Australia and GB are very inconsistent.

Not just that, Tigs... the difference in raw athleticism is massive - women's 7's needs to attract better athletes.
Good win for France. Australia must now beat South Africa I believe, to have any chance of staying in the race.