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100 m try Agen v Perpignan

The probably to me is not a defacto statemen, regardless I read the thread, it's another car crash over nothing.

Are you the bad guy? Maybe, perhaps it's because you're raging at him for not having provable facts about a flippant comment when you're whole point of challenge is you think others might be faster based on your occasional watching of Top 14.

This whole thread could have just been people enjoying a superb try but no that's not good enough.

*gives up*


I mean he's quick, but I'd pick a few guys who I'd imagine to be quicker. It looked more like the cover defence just wasn't all that quick or committed early enough.

Ngwenya I'd say is still probably quicker (although we're now talking ProD2). Ratini is pretty lightening. I never trust 100m times from rugby players anyway unless they have been professionally recorded and published.

That's not a flippant comment. It was barely a disagreement. I simply thought there were faster guys in the top 14. Nothing nasty or personal in there at all.

not at all i give you a information that is common knowledge in France and you dispute the fact mentioning you would pick others that you have no info about, why would i write something that is untrue and why do you pick holes in my statements.......... take the reponse as you wish i could not get a flying F*** once again another SH poster who knows everything about all or he thinks he does !!!!!!!!!!!

This is just a bad spirited response with personal attacks.

And you yourself just go and make comments about an 'occasional watching of the Top 14'. What total f*cking arrogance. I would never say to a NH member that they shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on Super Rugby,and assume its uninformed, or discredit it. I watch generally around two or so Top 14 matches a week and have done so for years (when my internet limit allows). I also watch a similar amount of Premiership rugby. I used to post on a lot more threads on it before we had such cruddy membership. I avoid the threads because of this sort of ****, as I'm sure many other SH posters do.

On Conor Trainer I've also seen him on the 7s circuit, where he didn't stand out to me as exceptionally quick. Regardless I wasn't calling anyone out, merely wanting more information which still hasn't been provided. No 100m times. No reasoning as to why he was the quickest. If it was just based on his personal assessment then fine, but I'm obviously so uninformed yet I haven't been provided anything which is 'common knowledge' in France. Yet another chance for you to get in a dig in though gn10.
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That's the young Canadian fella who used to have the big hair? Didn't know he was playing in Europe. Some wheels to be fair, and IIRC he's been playing International 7'a since he was only 17.
Love to see Canadian players do well.
That's not a flippant comment. It was barely a disagreement. I simply thought there were faster guys in the top 14. Nothing nasty or personal in there at all.

HIS comment about the fastest was flippant not yours.

This is just a bad spirited response with personal attacks.

Yep, it is, but that was after you called him precious and a 5 year old, but it's all on Gaston.

And you yourself just go and make comments about an 'occasional watching of the Top 14'. What total f*cking arrogance. I would never say to a NH member that they shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on Super Rugby,and assume its uninformed, or discredit it. I watch generally around two or so Top 14 matches a week and have done so for years (when my internet limit allows). I also watch a similar amount of Premiership rugby. I used to post on a lot more threads on it before we had such cruddy membership. I avoid the threads because of this sort of ****, as I'm sure many other SH posters do.

This statment seems a bit fishy to me...Easy to say you watch two games a week now isn't it? Why did you not mention it earlier, instead of hashing up something about watching Ngwenya on the EOYT?

On Conor Trainer I've also seen him on the 7s circuit, where he didn't stand out to me as exceptionally quick. Regardless I wasn't calling anyone out, merely wanting more information which still hasn't been provided. No 100m times. No reasoning as to why he was the quickest. If it was just based on his personal assessment then fine, but I'm obviously so uninformed yet I haven't been provided anything which is 'common knowledge' in France. Yet another chance for you to get in a dig in though gn10.

Conor Trainor? whats he to do with it?
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Ok, can we leave this petty arguing now? Its utterly pointless and may end up with another thread getting locked
Wow. Talk about hypersensitive.

A statement was made that this man was the quickest in French rugby. "No questions." Apparently even Usain Bolt would have trouble catching him. That's a very bold statement, even with the 'probably', but Nick never said it was wrong. In fact, it was a good intro into what could have been a good conversation or debate - Nick even offered an alternative who he thought might be better. That's not antagonistic or patronizing like we see from other posters. I would have liked to have seen that convo play out to be honest. Instead all we got was a sarcastic and childish rant which came out of blue hell nowhere. And this is a poster supposedly part of the French Press? I literally don't know what to say.

Anyway, uhh....good try. Thanks for uploading.
GN10 - read again...

1. My calling him a 5 year old girl was in reply to his response about being from the SH. Seriously dude, reread the thread. I called him that cause of his "another SH poster knows every thing remark".

2. Because my comments about Ngwenya are not based on his performance in the Top 14...cause he plays D2 since Biarritz got relegated. I was asked "so you watch much D2" after I mentioned Ngwenya is probably in my opinion the fastest player in France despite playing D2. I was forming my opinion of him from my time of watching him score some sensational tries for Biarritz in the Top 14 before relegation - and from the EOYT he still looks super quick. No I don't watch much D2 and haven't since Umaga was playing for Toulon. Not sure why or how I should have to prove to you I watch Top 14...maybe I don't and I actually have no idea if Ratini looks quick in the Top 14 and I'm just making it up. Being from the SH I clearly have no business watching NH rugby.

3. Good question. I meant Paris. I was stuck on Canadians tbh.
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I will not translate all but line 3.....from one try line to the opposite try line 12 secs, wearing rugby boots, carrying a ball, and full rugby kit, plus it was measured approx at 105mts as he started almost on the dead ball line, now ask yourself why would i post something untrue here's your proof or maybe this French newspaper is also fabricating, an answer like wow yes i agree would have been so much nicer than the last 2 pages or boredom!!!!!!!!!!!!! no need to reply!!!!!!!!!

Il lui faut d'abord accélérer une première fois car, bien qu'étiré, le rideau défensif catalan présente trois joueurs. Taylor Paris en remet une couche aux 50 m avec juste la petite galipette qu'il faut pour éviter la cuillère de Jonathan Bousquet. Les dents serrées, il file ensuite vers la terre promise, en gardant à l'esprit d'aller aplatir entre les perches. Taylor Paris met 12 secondes d'une ligne d'en-but à l'autre, sur 100 m, ballon en main. Le Canadien qui est connu pour son amour du rugby à 7 où le défi individuel prévaut, n'en avait pas fini avec son «Big Match». Cet essai du bout de la Catalagne ne fut pas sans rappeler aux supporters celui inscrit par Philippe Sella en 1982 en demi-finale du championnat de France face à l'USAP déjà.
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I will not translate all but line 3.....from one try line to the opposite try line 12 secs, wearing rugby boots, carrying a ball, and full rugby kit, plus it was measured approx at 105mts as he started almost on the dead ball line, now ask yourself why would i post something untrue here's your proof or maybe this French newspaper is also fabricating, an answer like wow yes i agree would have been so much nicer than the last 2 pages or boredom!!!!!!!!!!!!! no need to reply!!!!!!!!!

Il lui faut d'abord accélérer une première fois car, bien qu'étiré, le rideau défensif catalan présente trois joueurs. Taylor Paris en remet une couche aux 50 m avec juste la petite galipette qu'il faut pour éviter la cuillère de Jonathan Bousquet. Les dents serrées, il file ensuite vers la terre promise, en gardant à l'esprit d'aller aplatir entre les perches. Taylor Paris met 12 secondes d'une ligne d'en-but à l'autre, sur 100 m, ballon en main. Le Canadien qui est connu pour son amour du rugby à 7 où le défi individuel prévaut, n'en avait pas fini avec son «Big Match». Cet essai du bout de la Catalagne ne fut pas sans rappeler aux supporters celui inscrit par Philippe Sella en 1982 en demi-finale du championnat de France face à l'USAP déjà.

Google translate is limited - but I'm not sure where it says he is the quickest player in France. I said he was quick in my first post on this thread...

Anyway, it's not important. Thanks for the article.
I will not translate all but line 3.....from one try line to the opposite try line 12 secs, wearing rugby boots, carrying a ball, and full rugby kit, plus it was measured approx at 105mts as he started almost on the dead ball line, now ask yourself why would i post something untrue here's your proof or maybe this French newspaper is also fabricating, an answer like wow yes i agree would have been so much nicer than the last 2 pages or boredom!!!!!!!!!!!!! no need to reply!!!!!!!!!

Il lui faut d'abord accélérer une première fois car, bien qu'étiré, le rideau défensif catalan présente trois joueurs. Taylor Paris en remet une couche aux 50 m avec juste la petite galipette qu'il faut pour éviter la cuillère de Jonathan Bousquet. Les dents serrées, il file ensuite vers la terre promise, en gardant à l'esprit d'aller aplatir entre les perches. Taylor Paris met 12 secondes d'une ligne d'en-but à l'autre, sur 100 m, ballon en main. Le Canadien qui est connu pour son amour du rugby à 7 où le défi individuel prévaut, n'en avait pas fini avec son «Big Match». Cet essai du bout de la Catalagne ne fut pas sans rappeler aux supporters celui inscrit par Philippe Sella en 1982 en demi-finale du championnat de France face à l'USAP déjà.

if you don't want a conversation or reply then don't post on a forum....kind of the whole point of us coming here isn't it? if you want to make statements i suggest you start a blog...huge over reaction...very strange...probably the fastest over reaction in france right now...no question
Google translate is limited - but I'm not sure where it says he is the quickest player in France. I said he was quick in my first post on this thread...
It doesn't actually, it only states that he needed 12 sec to cover the 100 meters.