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Welsh Region Debate @ The Fail


Cymro The White
TRF Legend
Mar 1, 2006
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Good afternoon all.

Andy Howell will be online shortly to chat.

What do you make of the regions this season? Who have you been most disappointed with? What needs to change? Get those comments coming in


Comment From john williams
What in your honest opinion is the problem with the Osprys

Comment From Stephen Clee
Quite simple: Blues (Cardiff) , Scarlett’s (Llanelli) and Dragons (Newport), are all in truth still ‘Clubs’, they have NOT embraced the regions concept at all, just ask people from all the valleys throughout South Wales. And these three will forever been known as Cardiff, Llanelli and Newport, in fact, just listen to some of the commentary on their matches and you will see what I mean. Ospreys â€" apparently “the only true regionâ€: Coaches are useless. How on earth is Shaun Holley still employed there? A ‘Squad’ of talented players will not win out in the long term against a ‘Team’ of players. Surely it’s down to the coaches to bring talented players together and forge them as a team. Their support has failed to grow because they appear to have no team ethic and therefore struggle to get supporters to identify with them. And finally: taking away a region from the ‘spine’ of Welsh rugby has proved more damaging than the ‘powers that be’ will ever admit to.

Keep the comments coming and we'll start feeding through regularly. Cheers all

Comment From Culture_of_paranoia
Well sais stephen

Comment From Andy Howell
The known departure of so many Ospreys stars caused problems in the dressing room. You have to wonder how much appetite was in it with some players almost being driven out of the Ospreys. Selection and coaching has also to be questioned.

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
Most disappointed with Blues as I expected disappointment with Ospreys.

Comment From Culture_of_paranoia
besides the dragons and the scarlets showing improvement the ospreys and the blues seem to be heading down the pan

Comment From Wales supporter
What has been the point of spending all our money on foriegn players? Invest in the Welsh youngsters!

Andy Howell:
Stephen: I'm all for a valleys region but Celtic Warriors folded because the people didn't support them. Their average gate was too low.

Comment From Adam
Stephen. You are spot on!

Comment From hensonsGstring

Andy Howell:
Blues were also a major disappointment. On paper, their squad and that of the Ospreys is probably better than that of Munster. What should Peter Thomas do at the Blues?

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
Andy, do you reckon a Valleys region would still have attendances (true ticket sales) lower than the others?

Comment From Anita
Well support has grown at Ospreys see season ticket sales and get to The Riverside after the games you will see how well the team interacts with their true supporters.

Comment From Anita
No player has been driven out of the O's Hook is theonly one we woudl have kept and has gone for the big money. Mitch makes sense to get more game time; Lee going for big money elsewhere and Mike well he simply not performed for a year. Funny if it so bad why has Ryan, Shane, AWJ, JT, Atom stayed? Again you are trolling Bowells

Andy Howell:
There's no point throwing money at players because they speak with Kiwi, Aussie or SA accents. The best region from Welsh regions has been played by Scarlets and Dragons this season, with mainly home-grown players.

Comment From john williams
Do we need another region?

Andy Howell:
A valleys region might get support if it was situated at the right location. I would hope so but WRU seems keener on North Wales.

Comment From Andy
The Ospreys never stood a chance against Munster.There Squad are not better. Munster won 4 out of 5 !

Andy Howell:
Anita, Sorry, Hook is leaving Ospreys because they wouldn't pick him at 10. They drove him out. Byrne has also fallen foul of regime and, according to Warren Gatland, Mitchell was a huge loss for Wales. Should Mitchell, with his work-rate, have been picked ahead of Adam for Ospreys.

Comment From Corpaboy
I disagree with you Andy. The main reason that Celtic Warriors folded was that Mr Moffitt in his infinite wisdom combined two disparate clubs, namely Pontypridd and Bridgend.

Comment From clown
Anita, its not as if anyone would sign treackle jones, or JT is it

Comment From Culture_of_paranoia
exactly andy

Comment From Jack
The reason Hook is not picked at 10 is because he is inadequate in that position.

Comment From john williams
I agree with Andy munster were streets if not worlds ahead of the Ospreys

Whcih region has been the biggest disappointment?
( 31% )
( 55% )
( 7% )
( 7% )


Andy Howell:
Jack, You've lost the plot. Ospreys and Blues have both failed this season because the most important player on the pitch is the 10. Ask Graham Henry

Comment From PaulD
The Ospreys are not a true region. They have exiled the most important cog in their chain - Neath - and upset Richard Webster so much he left Swansea. Something seems to eb seriously wrong there

Comment From John
So....'why have the regions failed' is actually 'why 'Ndy 'Owell hates the Ospreys.

Andy Howell:
We need a fifth region. Let's get talent like Matthew Morgan, Maculey Cook and Ed Siggery playing at pro level.

Comment From DJ15
Andy- In what respect do you consider the Dragons and Scarlets to have played the best rugby? The ospreys scored more tries and overall points than anyone in the ML and are being judeged purely on the last 3-4 weeks. The rugby they played when they put 60 on the Scarlets on Boxing day wasn't too bad.

Andy Howell:
Why do people keep harping on about regions or clubs. It's been 8 years and is here to stay because we haven't got the money to go back to 10 or 12 clubs.

Does Wales need a proper fifth region?
Yes - up in North Wales
( 8% )
Yes - Bring by Celtic Warriors
( 54% )
Yes - somehere else
( 0% )
( 38% )


Does Wales need a proper fifth region?
Yes - up in North Wales
( 22% )
Yes - Bring by Celtic Warriors
( 31% )
Yes - somehere else
( 9% )
( 38% )


Comment From Mrs Hook
Have you written your best man speech for James' wedding yet?

Comment From Valleygirl
A valleys region is being called for by everyone in the valleys, but the wru wont listen.. if it is a valleys region then it needs to be based in Pontypridd and developed from there! the supporter base would be there and it would grow, I know a few people who were working on a plan to bring a region to rct they had the backing of councilors, businessmen, sponsors and thousands of supporters. I also belive the council also met with the wru about this but it wasnt taken any further by the wru..

Comment From Dont let Wales die
Invest in the Valleys, not in foreigners.

Comment From Culture_of_paranoia
jiffy was right, see my name

Andy Howell:
DJ15: Ospreys are boring and the most frustrating team to watch. Scarlets and Dragons attempt to play rugby, not bore watchers to sleep.

Comment From Gwenter
With respect, Wales is bigger than the M4 corridor. Half the trouble with Welsh rugby is that we are so parochial. A club in North Wales would do no harm or any good. In my opinion it starts and ends with the WRU. Central contracts!!!

Comment From john williams
And where in your opinion is the right location?

Comment From john williams
Any opinions on central contracts

Comment From Gerald
How about integrating Llanelli into the Ospreys and the resurrecting the valleys?

Comment From john williams
The best rugby the Ospreys played was during the 6 nations when "The super atars were away"

Andy Howell:
Nice one Gwenter: Central contracts should be top priority.

Comment From jim
also the idea that os and blues have better squads than munster is utter guff as is the idea that money has nothing to do with hooks move

Comment From jim
you've been crying out for the regions not picking youngsters...yet now they have let the likes of collins and holah you are having ago at them for not being ambitious enough

Comment From bin laden
well said andy

Andy Howell:
Gerald: Original regional plan was for a West Wales team based on Llanelli and Swansea but the political lobby at Llanelli saw it off.

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
Is there one answer to our decline? I'm sure you could pick a reason for each region, possibly two for some. But look higher up at Wales and I find a lack of experimentation (except with BaaBaas match, possibly) on new players, emerging players, etc. I would like an A team in place, and not have so many AI friendlies, each one of which, apparently, is too important for us to lose - and hence we don't experiment. Could go on for longer, but I'd lose the thread! Our rugby is so disappointing this year: Wales, Blues, Ospreys (when they pick their 'full' team) all to blame.

Comment From bin laden
to many clowns in charge of the ospreys

Comment From Adam B
DJ15 dont bother we all know that A Howells has issues with the O's and it a shame that Paul Turner didnt get to shut him up

Andy Howell:
Jim, I'm not bothered by Collins and Holah leaving Ospreys but am that Welsh players in their prime, like Hook, have had enough.

Comment From Jack
Agree that 10 is the most important position (altho that can be debated; 8, 9 and 12 all have claims); my point is that Hook cannot handle the responsibility, structure and decision making.

Comment From Jack
Central contracts? You just nailed your colours to the mast.

Comment From jim
how do you propose to implement them?

Comment From Carl
Oh my central contracts I am out of here

Andy Howell:
Adam B: Ospreys squad this season was as strong as any in Europe. Who is in the Heineken final? Leinster, who Ospreys beat in Magners final last season and Northampton, whose squad is weaker.

Andy Howell:
Central contracts are easy to implement. Follow example of Ireland, SA, NZ and Aus. We need our best players to all be playing regularly.

Comment From Valleygirl
Look at pre regional rugby, ok the money might not have been there but Pontypridd were producing lots of talent, winning lots of competitions and bringing in crowds of 11-12,000 and continue to produce the talent and attract crowds of 6000 still so why not give them a development region

Comment From Andy O G
Ye Are all going mad. getting another region is just getting desperate. Improve the quality and buy players ye need.

Comment From gareth
We need a team in TH Valleys, its criminal that the area that prodices so much talent has nothing

Comment From Gwenter
Its aint really Rocket Science ladies and gents. If you look at the very best rugby in the world (NZ) the answer hits you in the face. no wonder they call us village idiots!

Comment From Culture_of_paranoia
Stop spitting the dummy adam b.

Comment From DJ15
Andy -A Thats a matter of opinion and B Is it possible to score a boring try, does it only count for 4 points. The worst thing that ever happened to the Ospreys was them beating England at Twickenham in '08. Everyone assumed European domination was next. That game as history now indicates- was a one off. What the Ospreys have achieved is in line with the ability of their players. Your points about them being better on paper than Munster is quite frankly an insult to Munster.

Andy Howell:
Valleygirl: Ponty and the valleys was and still is producing talent. But Glamorgan valleys are in Blues region. Why don't you support the Blues?

Comment From Andy
Do you really think the WRU could run a central contract system? You must be joking!

Comment From jim
central contracts not so easy to implement when everyone is already contracted by someone else

Comment From JF
Well said Valley girl! What's your number?

Comment From Jack
Central contracts favour Wales at the expense of the regions, so what will they do to help the regions succeed?

Andy Howell:
DJ15: Munster are rebuilding. Go through each squad and pick team. See how many on-form Ospreys would be in!

Comment From Culture_of_paranoia
ospreys regun has been a failure. Look how poor their crowds are. They have never even managed to win a HEC group. Only time they have gotten out of the hec group stage is by having an italian side in it. The rats are jumping a sinking ship...

Comment From John
How many other strong squads are not in the final 'owell? Toulouse, Toulon, Perp, Munner, Leicester.... you saying they are all weaker than the Os?

Andy Howell:
Jack: Central contracts aren't harming Irish teams, Aus, NZ or SA.

Comment From JackArmy
Andy how do you reckon the Ospreys will be affected if the Swans make the Premier League??

Comment From Guest
There are clearly massive off field problems at the Ospreys. There must be issues between the players and the coaching set up. These are the same top quality players that totally outplayed both Munster and Leinster on Irish soil last year. This is not simly a dip in form or a lack of confidence.

Andy Howell:
Ospreys put Leicester out last season and should have won in Toulon this campaign...

Comment From Andy_H_speaks_facts
Keep reporting the facts andy.

Replies to Andy's question on why Ponty people not supporting Blues....

Comment From VGS
Because the Blues don't support Pontypridd!

Comment From Valleygirl
Because its cardiff, we have no affiliation to them and they do nothing for the valleys, why see our talent go down south when we should have our own region that was taken away from us by an ausi and sold down the river.

Andy Howell:
Ospreys will be substantially affected if Swans make Premier League.

Comment From john williams
Support Cardiff sorry the blues you are having a laugh

Comment From Stephen
support the blues - they were thrown upon us in the 'reconstruction' with apparently no investigation as to how we felt - think I'd rather turn vegetarian ;-)

Comment From Guest
Andy, people like me do not supprt the blues because 1. they are cardiff rfc and not a region, in every interviiew, press release, cpmments, and even fans chants its all cardiff, cardiff cardiff.

Comment From Guest
2. they would rather pay foregin players tahn give local talent the chance

Comment From Gareth
If somebody put up the money to build a modern 15000 seater stadium up the valleys that valleys supporters could fill then a region would be a possibility but at the moment there is not the money there or no one willing to bankroll it

Comment From john williams
Jackarmy with a bit of luck The Ospreys will quit the liberty and fill the Gnoll every week

Comment From jiffy is a legend
jack army, the WRU and regions revenue streams will be massively hit as the printed and digital media will focuss on footy and therefore not give coverage to their sponsors, worrying times ahead

Andy Howell:
Would valleys people really support a region in great numbers? They didn't with the Warriors who, I believe, would have won the Heineken if they had stayed alive.

Comment From VGS
Ponty, Ponty!

Comment From Gareth
why will valleys support cardiff city bluebirds but not cardiff blues?

Comment From Bowells rubbish story
Come on Andy how will they be SUBSTANTIALLY affected

Comment From Valleygirl
the blues dont even help cardiff rfc out let alone us in the valleys! when we won the swalec cup we suddenly become one of their premiership sides, yet they do nothing for us during the season

Andy Howell:
No disrespect to The Gnoll but I covered a rugby league game there last summer and the facilities are pitful compared to the Liberty.

Comment From Andy O G
I am from munster. currently in Limerick (near thomond). Wyn Jones , Bowe And adam jones are the only players i would take. Why dint you reverse that and say how many munster players would make the Ospreys side

Comment From VGS
True regions, supporting welsh development.Is the WRU listening?

Andy Howell:
Good point Gareth. Why do valleys support Cardiff City but not Blues.

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
The Valleys wouldn't support Cardiff. Full stop. It may only be 15-20 miles in distance, but thousands in loyalty. If I were living back in Merthyr, I'd watch Scarlets in preference.

Comment From Valleygirl
The warriors did have large support but the games were in bridgend not the valleys! base it in one place and they will come

Comment From jiffy is a legend
cardiff has a population and reach to systain a region, the valleys has not got the population or the economic power to afford to compete

Comment From Valleygirl
The facilities might be pitful but at least there is atmosphere andy, base it on sarids rd!

Andy Howell:
Dale McIntosh is a Blues development officer and all the Blues players are assigned to clubs in the region.

Comment From Guest
Andy, the whole 'valleys didnt supprt the wariors' thing is a myth. I know cause i was there at every game. its was a world cup year with no internationals atthe start then the whole sammuels thing, but still the crowds were there and were not as low as llanelli and cardiff in that same seasom

Comment From john williams
worked well for years before the wru abandoned it and would do so again

Comment From ftb
Because the Blues shafted the valleys!

Comment From Valleygirl
We never see blues players at pontypridd only the ones who want to play there, sweeny, nugget, bradley davies in a true valleys region!

Comment From Stephen
Valleygirl is spot on - it has to be based in or around Ponty

Andy Howell:
Warriors crowd figures are not a myth. Look at Magners website for the figures.

Comment From john williams
The original problem was the wru wanted all the regions within 5 miles of the M4, bridgend is NOT in the valleys

Comment From Gareth_Ponty
jiffy is a legend - the valleys has the popullation but not the money. Llanelli has not got the popullation or the money, but they have lots of 'pals' in the wru taht looked after them

Comment From ftb
Valley girl for president!

Comment From Valleygirl
I know from a very good source RCT council would back a region, its the wruin who need to start the ball rolling

Comment From Stephen
here here

Andy Howell:
John: Problem was WRU came up with a half-baked plan, failing to take the clubs on.

Comment From Ryan
Anyone else believe that the manner that the game is marketed in Wales has a huge influence on the number of attendances to regional games? Results clearly do also, but might the results improve if support is forthcoming?

Andy Howell:
Valleysgirl: I thought RCT wanted to slash the wages of workers or bring in redundanceis.

Andy Howell:
What marketing

Comment From Gwenter
RCT backing a region! Good luck with your council tax!

Comment From Valleygirl
250,000 people in rhondda cynon taff and i bet if you did a servy mostly everyone would want a region in the valleys

Comment From jiffy is a legend
Gareth _Ponty I agree completely. Scarlets should never be a region as they are based 12 miles from the O's. Same argument applies to clectic warriors. Wales need 3 regions with increased investment to keep the best players on welsh soil to keep the crowd numbers up

Andy Howell:
Ryan: What marketing. Admission prices on the day are too high with league games all live on terrest TV.

Andy Howell:
3 regions. That would narrow our playing base. We need to widen it. Let's have a 5th region!

Ok guys, lets foucs a bit on the regions that are in existance. Do the Blues and Ospreys need changes at coaching level?

Comment From John
Ryan - I agree, marketing is woeful. the WRU know that people will come to the Milennium and after that they don't care.

Andy Howell:
Let's switch to coaching. Should Scott Johnson and Andrew Hore have been promoted? Should Dai Young be replaced by the Blues?

Comment From Oh another dull headline
All regions need changes at coaching levels not just O's and Blues THEY ALL FAILED THIS YEAR!!!

Comment From Oh another dull headline
Scott and Andrew Hore not coaches so your point is??

Comment From Gareth
The ospreys seem to want to play a very structured game which is supriseing as scott johnson was supposed to be a great innovator i expected more creativity

Comment From Studious
Do the Welsh players care about playing for their regions the same way as the Munster and Leinster players do? I think not.

Andy Howell:
Hore's contract was up as elite performance director. He would have gone at no cost. Is his NZ culture suited to Ospreys and Wales. Johnson is head coach. Where's the back play from this supposed innovator?

Comment From Gwenter
You want them replaced, but with who?? Turner, Gone. kingsley, Gone. Ruddock, Gone! Oh I know lets bring in some Auzzie or guys from NZ for a change!

Comment From Andy O G
Welsh Rugby is being destroyed by *****y media and stuck up fans.

Comment From jiffy is a legend
andy, do you seriously believe that we as a country can produce enough quality players to systain 5 regions. We have 45 quality players at best

Andy Howell:
Studious, You're right. Playing for their province means so much to the Irish. There's no cosy, comfort zone over there.

Comment From john williams
Exactly what school team did Holly coach before The Ospreys?

Comment From Valleygirl
Scott johnson talks the talk but cant walk the walk, the rest of the coaches are average and not performing maybe if they fined them for lack of results then something would change! Andrew hore a CEO? hes a fitness coach right?

Comment From Gareth_Ponty
Andy, come to Sardis Road tomorrow night. to see the play off final.

Andy Howell:
Valleygirl: Hore was an excellent fitness coach.

Comment From flanker
How about spend on NZ coaches instead of NZ SA players ?

Comment From Studious
The only players the Welsh regions get value for money from are hard-working non-internationals and overseas players.

Comment From Valleygirl
To help welsh rugby develop the media need to get behind the premiership and help the clubs market it to get more investment and coverage of it. companies look for coverage these days and at present none of the welsh media offer it to our level

Comment From Valleygirl
How can you go from a fitness coach to a CEO of a business running the place

Andy Howell:
Flanker: Graham Henry or Nick Mallett would turn Osp or Blues around overnight.

Comment From Oh another dull headline
Scott Director of Coaching not Head Coach oh please for once get it right. If you have a problem they all listed on teh O's website. Even with your one eye you can see that

Pointless semantics Oadh...he's in charge of the coaching setup at the end of the day

Comment From jiffy is a legend
we keen looking outside of wales for coaches, we need to devlop our own inivative style of play and look within. The O's coaching structure is a joke with non-proven coaches underachieving year on year.

Comment From Studious
It doesn't really matter what Johnson's ***le is. The ***le that counts is the one the Ospreys failed to retain.

Andy Howell:
Johnson said the buck stops with him. Holley is an easy target to be the fall-guy for the failing of those above him. Osp have gone backwards since Hore and Johnson were involved. Look at their results!

Comment From Valleygirl
Jake white for the blues i reckon and maybe ruddock for the ospreys

Comment From Gareth_Ponty
all the regions coaches got their jobs based on what exactly..? they just happened to be with a club that changed to a 'region' at teh time. in a proffessional context how can Dai Young, still be in a job, it doesnt make sense

Still any takers for Dai Young as next Wales coach?

Andy Howell:
Gareth: Other commitments tomorrow but my colleague Simon Roberts will be there. Make yourselves heard for the valleys cause!

Comment From Valleygirl
why are we also overlooking french club coaches, the french teams are great success

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
OADH: why the pedantry? Which would you keep of Hore, Johnson, Holley, etc at Ospreys?

Comment From John
Dai young - Wales Coach? HAHAHAHAHAHA

Comment From jim
hore and johnsons results? they won the league last year

Comment From Matthew Harris
Based on the demise of the Ospreys, I would definately say a change to the coaching team is much needed. Often a change brings about a positive change in fortunes. Remember the same players who bombed out of the last World Cup, won the Grand Slam the following season.

Comment From Dragon
Martin Johnson for the Dragons!

Comment From Gareth
been dissapointed with micheal pattersson at the blues for someone who was almost in the NZ squad

Andy Howell:
Ospreys have nailed their colours to the mast and are stuck with SJ and Hore. Easy and cheapest method is to change coach but Ospreys directors have gone for the long-term approach, changing the players. Will it pay off?

Comment From Oh another dull headline
Not pedantic just stating facts which this media stream seems to always omit. O's have gone backwards since last season however we had the same coaching and director structure in place then. Holley and Hump have to go without a doubt still under review with SJ.

Comment From Valley boy
Support the premier clubs. Listen up WRU

Comment From Studious
Andy, why is that the Ospreys performed so much better this season when their Welsh internatioonals were away?

Comment From Matthew Harris
Dai Young should also be accountable for coninual failure. Unfortunately as long as Peter Thomas is holding the purse strings, nothing will change

Andy Howell:
Where are the Blues' fans? Haven't they got any or are they in mourning with their Cardiff City colleagues?

Comment From Gwenter
50 mins on the O's it is criminal!!!!

What about the other regions then?...Blues, Dragons, Scarlets?

Comment From Valley boy
Move the blues to Sardis Road!

Comment From John
Question 'Ndy - if it's the Os coaches who are so terrible - why are the players from all the regions similarly poor when playing for Wales?

Andy Howell:
Studious: Good question. Youngsters did well and were refreshing to watch but it showed how much depth and quality there is in Ospreys squad and why they should be competing for Heineken ***le.

Comment From mogs
what's neil back up to now.?

Comment From Valleygirl
ospreys directors must be loaded to keep this white elephant going!

Comment From Gareth
I am a blues fan but not much to say about this season really i am glad we are not signing any players next season as this should give a lot of oppertunities to young players like navidi and harry robinson

Comment From Ryan
Why was the move from the original stadium required? Couldn't the Blues use the facilities and just redevlop the original stadium? Would that improve attenances for the Blues?

Comment From Valleygirl
What about them lol I think most peope on here andy want a valleys region tbh and dont care about the others

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
Who are the good coaches to bring in. I doubt that Nick Mallett, for example, would come, so should we be looking at coaches who have built team ethic -- Exeter coach (Mitchell?) etc

Andy Howell:
Neil Back? There's a man of principle. Said he had taken Leeds as far as he could. What honesty!

Comment From Valleygirl
Regions are glorifide club sides, quicker they go back to club sides the better

Comment From Gwenter
Gareth: only if you have a change at the top. I.E Dia Young out

Comment From Oranje
Blues will be mediocre for a number of years to come without any investment in the team and dependent on the youth coming through. Ponty fans and their 'we are the best team in Wales' garbage will love it...

Comment From Valley boy
Why don't the blues play a few games in Ponty?

Comment From Studious
I think the atmosphere at Rodney Parade proves the Blues should have looked to redevelop the Arms Park instead of moving to a soul-less soccer stadium.

Andy Howell:
Blues have a massive debt to service. Their average gate has gone up considerably since switching grounds. They should play some matches at Ponty and drop Cardiff from their ***le.

Comment From Gwenter
Just out of personal interest. Do we all agree that the dragons have the best coaching set up going into next season?

Comment From Oranje
Blues don't play in Ponty becasue the facilities are so poor, not good enough for professional rugby.

Comment From Gareth
I think there will be alot of signings the season after next with NZ players able to earn some money in the few years between world cups b4 having to go back to NZ

Andy Howell:
Gwenter: Dragons seem to be on the way up, with the ground development and the positive vibes from coaches and players.

Comment From 3/4
Yes, move the Blues to Sardis road.

Comment From Valleygirl
Why not call the cardiff blues the blues and blacks and encorporate the blue of cardiff and black of the valleys? simple idea!

Comment From Gareth
the blues couldnt fullfill thier hospitality agreements at sardis road but i think some friendlys at the beginning of the season would be good

Comment From Welsh Yorkie
Gwenter: I would prefer to have dragons and Scarlets coaches than those of the other two.

Comment From Ryan
Andy, is the massive debt the reason for ground sharing as opposed to redevelopment? How much do they pay for leasing the CCS?

Comment From Valleygirl
Oranje, all you need is a pitch and changing rooms to play rugby??

Comment From Oranje
To AH: Blues should NEVER drop Cardiff from their ***le, that would be ludicrous in marketing terms. Cardiff is well known and respected city known thorughout Europe.

Comment From Valleygirl
invest the £500k a year they waste at the concrete jungle into sardis and base themselves there

Comment From Valleygirl
the blues could do hospitality all they would need is the old hospitality boxes back

Andy Howell:
Nigel Davies has done well at Scarlets while Darren Edwards at Dragons is intelligent, articulate and full of good ideas.

Comment From Studious
Andy. Can you ever see Wales providing more than just the venue or the ref for a Heineken Cup final?

Comment From 3/4
Name change to Blues and Blacks would help a lot.

Andy Howell:
Oranje: Why did Super 15 teams drop Auckland, Canterbury and Wellington, for example, from their names.

Comment From Gareth
how much do the blues play cardiff athletic club as they were still renting there your argument doesnt hold up

Comment From Gareth
sardis road needs to be redeveloped before being taken seriously

Andy Howell:
Studious: I hope so but it's looking bleak. I fear not in the forseeable future and I'm fearful Wales will finish 4th in their group at the World Cup.

Ok ladies and gents, some final thoughts from you all...Which team will finish highest in the Magners League next year?

Comment From Gwenter
So the dragons coaches. Blues Location. O's Squad. Scarlets up north to Wrexham. I just solved Welsh rugby!!

Comment From Studious
Andy. Should we all just give up and follow the Jacks in the Premiership instead?

Comment From Gareth

Comment From Ryan
Osprey's - Europe and Magners

Comment From 3/4
Wales will get broken by the tough Islanders.

Comment From Valleygirl
a region in ponty, or back to club rugby! media to increase on the premiership and wru to invest more into premiership

Comment From Oranje
Move from a capital city to a small rundown town to satisfy a couple of thousand people and lose many many many more from Cardiff? You are having a laugh.

Comment From Valleygirl
pontypridd to concure wales and europe! next season and find a millionaire backer and turn sardis into a fortress

Andy Howell:
World Cup will have an impact with Scarlets and Dragons looking to get off to a flyer in Magners when Osp and Blues boys are away.

Comment From Valleygirl
regions to fail again nxt season

Comment From mogs
i'd love to see the scarlets top next season.

Comment From Andy O G
Munster will again. we will build on our squad in the summer. welsh regions will be at the end if they dont do something

Comment From Oranje
AH - don't know, but in Europe, Cardiff is a name synonomous with rugby. Would be madness to drop it.

Comment From jim
did you know the scarlets wage bill is as high as the os? so how have they done well

Andy Howell:
Thanks for your contribution and interesting points. I enjoyed it. Cheers Andy Howell

Comment From Valleygirl
Andy howell to ask the wru why they havent got a 5th region in the valleys and to find pontypridd a rich backer to build one lol

Comment From Gareth
i was dissapointed not to see jason tovey and nick robinson not given a chance against the babarians as they are wales 2 most creative outside halfs

Comment From 3/4
Cardiff in synonomous with failure!

Comment From Ryan
The narrowing of the premiership will bottle neck talent into the top flight and improve competition to benifit the regions - fair one Andy, Dragons and Scarlets should benifit at the start ( I hope so anyway!)

Thanks for your time ladies and gents. Keep the comments coming on our articles and we'll have a nothe rlive debat esoon.

Cheers all


I watched the debate unfold and must say Howells has no clue and is so far up the arses of some of the players / regions unreal.
This is why we will never succeed.
Does he actually know anything about the sport or professional clubs?
I need to sit down.
This is why we will never succeed.
Does he actually know anything about the sport or professional clubs?
I need to sit down.

Howells is a disgrace, he was asked questions and gave petty answers. I love his comments to specific members telling them they have no clue. Cheers Howells you cretin.
None of the posters there had a clue tbh. Each one shouting for the same things over and over. It's a lovely idea to have all of Wales covered propperly with regions, adding two more, one in Ponty and one in North Wales, but the money is not there. I love it how valley supporters are so angry about being bundled in the Blues region, yet disregard the fact that North Wales have no-one to support within 200 miles and 4 hours. North Wales has to be the priority, because the simple fact is that Ponty is barely 15min drive from Cardiff. There may still be firece rivalries between the valleys and Cardiff, but these won't last forever. Saying that, a simple name and slight colour change wouldn't go amiss from the Blues to at least show some sort of willingness to embrace their region. Afterall if the Scarlets can drop the 'world famous' Llanelli name, Cardiff can do something similar.

Well, ultimately we're left with this mess, a mess brought about by petty rivalries and stubborness in the first place, so we've gotta make do. We can not re-structure the regions now, and we can't go back to clubs. In 50 years time, the regions will have bedded in propperly, and the teething problems will have been long forgotten. Nothings straight forward in Welsh rugby though!
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You're right again dullonien,

It's a lovely idea to have all of Wales covered propperly with regions, adding two more, one in Ponty and one in North Wales, but the money is not there

None of the regions are exactly that well financially at the moment, so two extra regions would collapse them financially

All the regions, except the Dragons, struggle to sell out their grounds, there is not enough interest or money to sustain any more regions as Celtic Warriors proved

On top of that, I don't think there is enough Welsh talent to sustain any more regions without half of them being crap, strength in depth has never been Wales strength

does anybody remember how successful the Welsh clubs were in Europe the last couple of seasons prior to becoming regions

they were awful

Saying that, a simple name and slight colour change wouldn't go amiss from the Blues to at least show some sort of willingness to embrace their region. Afterall if the Scarlets can drop the 'world famous' Llanelli name, Cardiff can do something similar.

I agree with this as well, the Ospreys dropped Neath/Swansea, and don't have white and black shirts any more (just black with a different colour every season), I also think the Dragons should drop Newport, and the Blues Cardiff

and another good move for the regions in my opinion would be to delocalise some games, and play some matches around the region like the Ospreys moved their LV Cup matches to Bridgend

And they got crowds as good as the Ospreys get for Magners League matches, and the Ospreys had a 3rd XV for those matches, other regions should do more of this and do it for Magners League matches
The Blues should drop Cardiff from their name I thaught they already did for some reason, a color change to say keep 1 kit blue then have the away kit white or black for ponty etc could help a bit too I know its just kits but if ponty fans see the blues adopting their colours for games support up in the valleys should hopefully increase. That along with playing some games in sardis road if it meets the critera's (if any) for the Celtic league or LV cup games /<insert cup here> could be a good idea too.
Disagree about dropping 'Newport' to be honest.
I am not a Newport RFC supporter, but the Dragons play in Newport and should be considered a Newport side.
'Newport Gwent' was the right thing to call it, so it fairly represents the clubs within the region.

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