It's not bad actually, very interesting concept. The actual studio management part of the game is sound if nothing new, but the advanced movie maker part is amazing. You can literally make a whole film scene by scene if you want to (wait for them to start appearing on the net), choosing actor/actresses (who you can give liposuction or boob jobs too if you want to make certain types of films...).
Not sure how long the novelty of it will last, but if you've ever wanted to make your own films, including lighting, camera angles, levels of anger etc in the acting, then this will last you a very long time. From what I can see it's very customizeable and think the modding community will go wild for it (expect nude patches and sex scenes for your films very soon... well look what happened to 'the Sims'). The options for scenes are already staggering and this will increase with patches etc I'm sure! Any questions just ask, but I'm pretty impressed with it!