Hi chaps, never been a sporting person but last couple of years have taken an interest in rugby im in Watford, Hertfordshire and started following Ireland and Munster (Irish dad) and would love to take up the sport, but..... At 28 with no experience what so ever plus still trying to work out the rules, wear hearing aids am I fighting a losing battle?Would like to take it up to get fit as my fitness is really poor have joined the gym last month and and doing full body workout 3x week using full body compounds squat, bench, deeds overhead ect mainly olly barbell work.Really poor cardio but getting into it, am 6'1 16.5 stone strength not that great at the moment 70kg bench 120kg deads and 110kg squats.Any advice? What position would I be looking at? Would say fittness is very poor what cardio works with rugby?