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Score Comparing



Had an idea in another thread and I thought I'd voice it and see if it catches on. Who would be interested in on their first game playing with the same team against the same opposition on medium and then compare scores after? It would have to be honesty based. How about Wales or something against the British and Irish Lions? Or maybe the Reds, I don't know. Any feedback would be great.


List of members to play with the Pacific Islanders against the England is as follows :

el_tk LOST: 0-8
captainamerica ( 2nd game )
Teh Mite ( 2nd game )
If you'd like to have a go just let me know by replying to this thread.

P.S. The game is to be played on medium with 7 minute halves on a normal pitch at night with no wind. I doubt what stadium you play in will affect the game but just incase it will be played at Lansdowne Road in Ireland.

They are, under representative teams. AK47 told us after the Sydney Show.
Not a bad idea at all.
What bout Wasps v Brumbies??

So PI are in the game!!! Yeah
For some reason, my first game is usally NZ vs USA on Easy. I've done that for the past few Rugby games. Don't know why, just like to get the gyst of it I guess.

Jamie Gough
Not meaning to be a pain Goughy, but Wally started this thread for idea for a great match to have for us all to compare our scores on when it comes out.
Only mention it because there is another thread for your first match-up.
So, which sides would you like for this competition Wally is suggesting?
Heh sorry. For the record then: NZ vs USA

Jamie Gough
Well I think the PI v the British and Irish Lions would be good. Who would be up for that?
im new to this forum,but i like the idea wally,so put me down too.
Is rugby 2005 a worldwide release dat,so will it come out the same date in aus,nz and britain.
Ok, sign me up to then please. Brithish Lions vs PI it will be!!! Yeah, just let us know how long, etc...
Hope the SA release date isn't to late, but I think it's on the 14th.

I like the Lions v Pacific Islanders idea but I don't see how many SH players will want to be the Lions.

Having said that, I am kinda looking forward to my asskicking with the USA in my first match (from the other thread) but I know for a fact my skills won't be leaps and bounds ahead for my second match -- which I'll make this one.

I guess the March 4th release boys (Europe?) will let us know if the Lions and Islanders are even playable in a friendly match from the start.
This is a valid point. If they're not we'll have to sort something out to fall back on.
Sorry to say, but your game won't work. According to locksley the Lions are not available for quick games (at the start at least).

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