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Rugby Boots


Academy Player
Aug 12, 2008
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For all the years I've been playing rugby I have never had this problem before. My last two pairs of boots have given me serious boot rub. First few games fine. Not a problem. Then it started! Got so bad in one game had to come off!
I've tried just playing through it until I broke them in but it didn't work. So I had to replace them with the boots I have now. The exact same problem.
The first set were Canterburys I believe and I can't remember what my new pair are.

I've been told to beat the **** out of the heels with a mallet to soften the backs and to soak my feet with the boots on in hot water so it molds around my feet. Haven't tried it yet, want to hear a few more suggestions.

Also I wear two pairs of socks. A habit of mine which doesn't help.

Also we can use this thread to discus the best sort of boots, brand and type and the best boots we have ever owned.

Mine was pumas. They were football boots which I changed the studs on. To small now for me but they carried me through school and jr rugby!
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Were you playing on hard grounds with studs?
That gives me HORRIBLE blisters on my feet - getting a cheap pair of moulded boots for when the ground is rock solid will sort that out

Will Greenwood says that he wears a pair of tights-socks under his rugby socks, and has done since playing mini-rugby as a kid, and has never had a blister - could be something to consider?
Playing with stud on rock hard ground is absolutely 'angin, you can feel all six coming through and poking you in the footsy!
My boots are pretty screwed tbh, playing on hard ground with solid metal studs, the part of the stud under the insole has cut through the insole which cut my feet up pretty bad :/ New insole's helped but not lots tbh

As Olyy said, look at getting a pair of moulded studs for when its hot (tis a issue when you're a forward but it can work. I know a prop who wears moulded blades when its hot)
I bought a pair of boots that were reduced from £119 down to £29 (think they were made by Nomis) - bargain of the century I thought, turns out they were reduced because wearing them on anything other than 6+ inches of mud was like have 6 nails sticking into the soles of your feet
To make the damn things lighter they'd taken out the insoles from them, meaning there was about 5mm of cardboard between your foot and the screws
Binned them after 1 training session, it was agony
Ouch, mine had around 2-3mm of foam kinda stuff for the insoles to start they got ripped through within a week or two of starting, lived with it for around 2-3 weeks as the mud was softer but then baught 10 mm odd thick insoles, thye dont do bad but they aint the best will likely end up getting some blades for when I start playing again
On hard ground I wear a pair of Mizuno moldies that cost me about £18 on rugbystore, for softer ground have a bog standard pair of canterburys but never ever wear them on hard ground ever!
I just wear my nike tiempo with rugby studs. that works for me on every surface. ordered nike id mercials hopefully they will do the trick !!
Whatever you do don't wear mouldies on a soft pitch EVER,first time I did that in a match I ended up dislocating my knee and pulled the median ligament and still I can't play properly because of the injury,just warning ye guys :)
just get some white trainers or hockey tape and put it over the area where you get blisters
My best boots are my current ones Adizero Rs7 Pro's they are incredibly light and comfortable and nice to kick in, got them for 70 pounds from an adidas outlet store!
For comfort the best i have had are the adidas predator absolado. I think there called that they were the bright green ones and r moulded studs i had them last season and bought a new pair at the end of last season for £60 reduced for £110
Predators are my favourite boots as well - got moulded and studded
Very comfy, didn't even need to be worn in, were great right out of the box, and have lasted longer than any boots I've had before (had them about 15months now and they don't look like they're anywhere near the end of their lives, whereas previous boots are normally looking a bit pants at the end fo a season with the soles coming unstuck, or stitching coming apart etc.)
I've always used adidas boots. Don't know how many days a week you need to use them but having two pairs(one moulded and the other one studs) goes a long way preventing blisters and even injuries. Just check the weather before training and chose the most suitable option.

PS: I've just bought the Adidas AdiPure and they are excellent. Really comfortable and tried them in a match the first time. Had no problem at all.
Just bought myself a new set today, while I do love wearing lighter boots just to pretend I'm a winger every once in a blue moon I settled on some Koogas, and having broken them in, would definitely recommend them.

Biggest plus is that the leather on the top of the toes is solid as a rock. Basically for anyone used to being trodden on in mauls they're great. I'm pretty sure Cencus Johnston could jump on my toes and they'd still be (mostly) intact.
my best pair was my old Adidas mouldies and living in SA it got stolen. hehe

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