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Rugby 2001, 2004, 2005, worth playing?



Hi all,
I have Rugby08, I would like to know if the previous versions of the game offer something different from the 08 version, or if the differences are minor.
Do you recommend any other of the EA Rugby series?
i've played every version of EA rugby and here is what i think:

95 = clunky and poor camera angle.
2001 = not a bad game, but poor graphics and gameplay compared to 08. scrums, rucks and mauls all look the same.
2004 = don't bother. graphics which were cool in 1985 but more stadiums teams and better controls than 2001
2005 = big improvement on 2004 but not like 06 or 08

06 and 08 are definetly the best, don't waste time with older versions.

i prefer 08 over 06 but the difference is negligible and some believe that 06 is better than 08
I had 3 copies of 2004 and none of them installed on my pc. The folder always comes up as empty.
I had 3 copies of 2004 and none of them installed on my pc. The folder always comes up as empty. [/b]

i've got an original copy of 2004 which i use to stop my door from slamming in the wind :)

seriously though, the players look like the dancing baby screen saver from the late 90's
2001 Was the 1st attempt but it was lacking alot of things. Had crap graphics and used a bar graph for the rucks which strangly looked exactly like the scrums and mauls lol.

2004 the game changed a bit but was still lacking in alot of areas. Alot better than 2001 with the addition of Super14 & European Cup competitions and the graphics improved a little but not much.

2005 was alright but could only substitute 1 player at a time as in previous versions and alot of the team rosters and stats were messed up. I think this is the version where Ea implemented the use of the right analogue stick for fending, stepping and bunting.

2006 is probably the best because the rosters aren't as messed up as 08 and there's not as many bugs that hinder the gameplay. Buttons the same as 2005 but with the additional use of the R1 button for a hard tackle/high tackle. Also the addition of being able to substitute as many players as you want but if players are in a position they don't play they will be rendered pretty useless.
06 and 08 are good, but what they seem to fix in one game they seem to spoil in another. In 06 you can have a super10 or magners league, if you know how to replace teams in ten nations. In 08, they ditched it.
i've played every version of EA rugby and here is what i think:

95 = clunky and poor camera angle.
2001 = not a bad game, but poor graphics and gameplay compared to 08. scrums, rucks and mauls all look the same.
2004 = don't bother. graphics which were cool in 1985 but more stadiums teams and better controls than 2001
2005 = big improvement on 2004 but not like 06 or 08

06 and 08 are definetly the best, don't waste time with older versions.

i prefer 08 over 06 but the difference is negligible and some believe that 06 is better than 08 [/b]

I too have played all the EA rugby games.

95 was pretty good, considering the time it was made.
2001 i still play it. the running feels better imo great commentary and camera. Rucks were ugly but atleast you have control over them.
2004 so much hype so much disappointment
2005 good direction to a good rugby game
2006 " " " " " " " " " " " "
2008 uuh one step forward one step back :p
95 I had on Sega Mega Drive and it was pretty much like Ea's 95 league game too.
I've still got 2001 on pc but haven't played it in a few years and the rest I've got on Ps2 some are scratched and skip every now and then.

Also what the hell was Lote Tuqiri & Nathan Grey doing in the Nz Maori in Rugby 2004. Damn Ea don't even do their homework makes you wonder if they've even watched a game before.

I like 08 because of the camera angles but there are way too many glitches. If I could have 06 gameplay but with 08 rosters that'll be awesome and why the hell did they get rid of the Nz Maori & British & Irish Lions?.
2004 had the best lineout options to date (you could jump with flankers in all different places and stuff)
I definitely enjoyed 2001 the most although it's not really the best (aforementioned problems). Also the 3rd party editor allows you to make midget players. I never tried making an entire midget team though, might be a fun experiment...

I loved 2001, or "EA Rugby" as it was simply called in the UK, it was hardly full of the techincal rules or guidelines of the sport, but was a lot of fun. I have lost hours of my life to that game over the years... drop goals from the half way line with Janni DeBeer... quality laugh.
i used that editor to make both a midget team and a monster team

in 2001 if you put full curve/draw and full power on the place kicks you could clear the bar from 80 or 90 metres out
Ah, but whet good old 2001 lacked in visuals it more then made up for in gameplay! Happy days!!! Which is is more then can be said for the steaming pile of horse **** that was Ru*by 20*4.

As for the 06/08 debate, I'm definitely in the camp for preference towards 08. However, as it never came out on the Xbox and I'm stuck with the PC gameplay I never have devoted as much time towards it as maybe I could have.

That said, both are far too easy so I never play either except once in a blue moon these days.
I've had them all and my fave is definitely 06.

04 was way too slow (it felt like there were props out on the wing!) but probably had the better options, especially in the lineouts and despite it's faults I played it to death.

08 really f***s me off with the dodgy rosters and some of the annoying incorrect positions that some players have been given. It's also way, way, way, way too easy. Only by playing as a really crappy team is their any real challenge. In the past 3 days I've been doing World League on elite as Ulster and I've already won divisions 3, 2, 1 & the Cup and I've only bought 3 players from my initial squad.
Forget playing EA Sports Rugby, buy Jonah Lomu Rugby instead. Being able to play as the fantastic 95' All Black team is worth the money. Think the price is £5 somewhere.
I never really got into Jonah but it was a very very popular game back in the day and it even sets the standard still in some ways even today.