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Yeah, fair point. A two party democratic state is generally a more PR friendly version of an oligarky in some ways... But hey, at least you may soon have a president that can get through a speech without some of it appearing on a 'dumb president quotes' website
Sanzar i really dont appreciate you trying to sit here and say that Bush is an idiot, did you go to an ivy league school? Did you have a great score on the SAT? Do you have a fairly high IQ at 130?
I really don't agree with that viewpoint of my president.
Sure he may not have the best linguistic skills but im sure no one else in the history of the world has ever made gramatical mistakes..
Kerry is a f***ing idiot, what he said about the troops made me angry that stupid *******.
Kerry is a moron, he's your version of Kim Beasley, i.e. can speak for an incredibly long time and yet say nothing (wait, I guess that speaks for pretty much everyone in politics)... but yeah, he stands for nothing.
As for the comments about the troops, well I know you like getting angry about these sorts of things, but I believe he was actually having a go at Bush's academic record and stuffed up the joke (well at least that's what the Australian media said in quoting his actual written speech which he cocked up).
Furthermore, if you want to be upset about 'disrespecting the troops', perhaps you ought to check out how rapidly their social benefits scheme's have been eroded under the current administration? Surely that is a heinous act of disrespect in itself.
As for 'smart man' Bush, well no DC I didn't go to an Ivy league school and all that, but hey, I didn't have a family that was essentially an entrenched part of the US upper class (his granpappy's involvement with
Nazi investment surely helped that one) to ensure I didn't fail. Family's buy success for their dumb kids when they have that much influence and money, it's just like Jamie Packer out here, who had his daddy bribe his University to get him straight grades all through.
What you have to understand DC, is that you're a fool to trust any of these Jokers... I know it's tempting to get caught up in the patriotic circus proliferated by the media during times of conflict, but such things are designed to get people's minds off the issues surrounding the reasons for war. To paraphrase Herman Goering (as a key figure in helping organise Nazi Germany's compliant nationalism), all people's in any country are easy to unite, all you need do is provide them with something to hate and fear, an antithesis of what you claim to be essential to 'your culture' (The Jews provided this for the Nazi's, and the Arab's are providing it for you). I'm not comparing the US to Nazi Germany of course, I'm simply outlining the way in which such a tactic has been used throughout history. It's no surprise for example, that the US and the West in General were desperately seeking to build China as 'the new enemy' after the demise of the Soviet Union... if people don't have anyone foreign to hate, they may turn their attention inward.
Don't take it personally though DC, afterall I'm not actually partisan to the democrats in anyway, and if you thought I was, then I'd suggest that is merely a reflection of your own incredibly partisan support for the republicans. I just think the democrats are less likely to get Australia involved in more conflicts and I consider that to be in my and Australia's best interest. Because realistically helping you lot achieves us nothing when considering the US will only ever help us (by it's own admission) if doesn't conflict with their perceived national interest.