Us British basically have multiple personality disorder when it comes to measurements.
The height of a buildings will be metres but the height of a person will be feet
All official measurements for small items are in centimetres yet every will still use inches when describing those same object
Liquid in a car is litres although the fuel efficiency is measured in miles per gallon
If said liquid is alcoholic it will be measured in pints
Your car will be weighed in tons or kilos but you will weight yourself in stone
Most long distances are miles except when doing anything even remotely engineering/scientific when it is kilometers
Moderately large areas of land are measured in football pitch equivalents, large quantities of liquid in swimming pools and heavy object in buses
Cooking is mostly done in grams unless you are older than 40 when it is pounds and ounces
Land is measured in hectares but when referring to simply a lot of land of an unquantified value it is acres
If you are Scottish all monetary transactions are measured in average pints of beer equivalent value
States of inebriation are measured from little sozzled through to tipsy, drunk, slaughtered, ******, smashed and wrecked.
Rugby stupidity is measured in Hasks