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Just started playing again ... looking for fitness and other training tips :)


Academy Player
Sep 5, 2011
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Hi guys,

Im new to the forum :)

i have been out for a year due to injury and have decided to get back into the fantastic sport (it just has a way of getting under your skin :p)

I am looking for tips or training ideas i can do by myself or with my younger brother (also a rugby player) i want to get faster and stronger like most players, i used to play in the back row so any specific training ideas for these specific roles would also be good :)

And any diet info would be good to, im guessing i should just be eating all the good but boring foods :)

Any info would be great guys cheers!

It's good that you've got someone to work with - makes it a lot easier to motivate yerself so that's a good step already! In terms of fitness stuff this should probably be your main priority just now, dunno if you've been keeping fit whilst recovering from injury but I didn't when I was out for a bit and lost so much fitness. Working on handling and getting comfortable with the ball again is a must, I'd advise jogging with ball in hand, jogging and passing with your brother, that sorta thing.

One thing I found useful for fitness when I was in the back row is to get to a rugby pitch, run from the goal line and do a few push ups at every line you get to. The push ups simulate rucking and because it's such a stop-start drill, your acceleration and reactions pick up pretty quickly. Obviously if you do it you'll get an idea of what intensity you're fit enough to work at and be able to build back up.

Getting down to a club's training is a big thing as well - if you want to start playing again make the effort to get to training and you'll meet guys with a lot of experience who'll be able to help you out. I know it's not fun being unfit and rusty but throwing yourself back in is a must!
I have been doing a lot of cycling over the last year, mainly mountain biking, and i thought i had been keeping fit but i ain't done a single bit of running :O ... i went to training on thursday there and they were doing 10 mins of fitness and i really struggled but i was surprised to see how easily i took to the ball again, i thought my ball skills would be crap but no :O ... i like the idea of the sprinting and push ups, going to try that maybe on wednesday :)

I also need to build up strength again cos all i have done in the last year is push-ups not much in the way of weights :)

Thanks for your help mate :)
Make sure you do rugby specific weight training.

Stay away from doing the curls for the girls type training.

Power cleans etc are great, dynamic explosive POWER is what your after, not big biceps...
Make sure you do rugby specific weight training.

Stay away from doing the curls for the girls type training.

Power cleans etc are great, dynamic explosive POWER is what your after, not big biceps...

This post gets my personal seal of approval

Hi guys, I know its been a while since i have been last on here, been busy studying for college, working, training and out mountain biking etc :D ... Managed to get some quiet time on here to have a wee look :p ... I want to question forcerugbyfan's comment on not needing by biceps, Have you seen the arms on a sprinter?! :O ... Im sure - Don't quote me on this - That bigger arms give you more momentum to run faster ... So building up all my muscles are going to benefit me are they not? :p ... i know that it all needs to be power based, being able to lift loads won't improve my rugby,


It would make me a weeeeeeeeee bit more intimidating :D ... Also it will put more weight behind me in a tackle and it would benefit me more to be heavy with muscle rather than fat? :)

I don't really know ... Im a lifeguard and not a gym instructer or rugby coach so its just a theory :D lol

Thanks for all the help guys :D
Sprinters will get their biceps from deadlifts, powercleans and weighted chin ups, not curls :p
Do 5(reps)x5(Sets): Week 1 Monday Wednesday Friday
Squat Squat Squat
Bench Press Over Head press Bench Press
Barbell Rows Dead lift Barbell Rows

Week 2: Monday Wednesday Friday
Squat Squat Squat
Over head press Bench press Over head press
Dead lift Barbell rows Dead Lift

For more information:http://stronglifts.com/free-stronglifts-5x5-report/ Completely Free and no funny bits, Remediable to READ IT ALL!!!
Fair play guys :D
As i said ... I'm no expert :p ... i just saw the size of a sprinter and was like "He has rather large arms!" ... I also had an ":O" face at the time :) lol

Cheers Dudes! :D
So if i was to do all the power based excercises ( Can someone inform me of all the basic power based moves so i can make myself a workout plan around my fitness training? :D) would doing curls and chest press and stuff damage my performance? :)

Cheeeeeeeers! :D
Moves you should build your workout around:

Power clean/Hang clean
Snatch (if you've got someone to teach you it)
Clean and Jerk (if you've got someone to teach you it)

Then supplement those with things like bent over rows, chin ups, etc.etc.etc. and plyometrics

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