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Help Please Guys


Academy Player
Mar 8, 2009
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Hey Guys i got a job interview for an apprenticeship tomorrow, either a carpenter,plumber or electrictian, im not sure which one im being interviewed for to be honest!

I've never had a panel interview before and ain't had a job interview for about 4 years! I passed an exam to get this far which i found tough and im quite proud to have got this far since there were 200 plus applicants now its down to 5.

Anytips would be greatly appreicated
The best thing is to be prepared for the interview, Knowing about the position your going for and Infomation about the company, But as you dont know what the interview is for thats not a great start. Dress smart, Suit, Tie and Shiny shoes. Be confident and promote what you can offer but try not to come across as smarmy. Dont fidget, sit still and have a good upright posture. Try not to play with your hair, Twiddle your thumbs stutter words. Questions you want to look at asking are to Invole promotion prospects, Diffrent avenues of learning and how the company is progressing in the future. Try to avoid questions regarding holidays and Salary as they tend to make you look as if you are just there for the money.


Any more questions just ask pal!
Two factors for me (I tend to be the interviewer more then the interviewee);

1. Display an enthusiasm for the role. Express how excited you are to be in the position to interview for it. They are the master, you are the humble and enthusiastic apprentice. Its daft but they want to know you are okay with your role, and youwill stick it out all the way through.
2. Make it a conversation where possible. Interviews should not be about questions and answers but a conversation. Have questions prepared and ask them throughout the interview. Ask about differing levels of detail showing both an interst and enthusiasm for the role E.g. What do they look for in an apprentice, what works for them, what doesnt.

They are offering to train you, and give you a career. All you can offer them is your enthusiasm, cheap labour for the duration and a willingness to take their **** for the duration. Its important they like you and think you will work your balls off. They dont give a **** about the rest as the test already tells them you are smart enough.

On a final note, most panal interviewers go for the guy they like the most (or the best looking girl). Either be charasmatic or wear a dress. Dont do both.
Was kind of nervous, came out kicking myself abit since i thought i could of said more but i still did better than i thought, the interview techinque was different anyway.

I went in and there was 5 questions on a sheet of paper, and i had to answer them to all of them lol

thanks for the advice anyway guys, don't think i'm gonna get it but you never know!

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