Props: not pleased with them too much. Census is exactly who we know him to be, powerful but slow in the loose, massive but flawed in the scrum. Montes is meh. Steenkamp can still play at LH and he brings good aggressiveness in all sectors. Countryman and same position Ferreira does his job alright, will stand out every once in a while.
Hookers: Ralepelle is fine, but I love Tolofua. Hopefully the latter will inject some Pac Isl. power and technical control into the Toulouse game, on both ends he is reckless.
Locks: Maestri...he holds up but he lacks punch often. Albacete we all know. Milo-Chluski is a fine lock and Tekori brings that Pac Isl extra at the position. But his discipline can be an issue.
Flankers: no Dusautoir, huge blow...Nyanga so much to say about him, we've all seen what he can do at the highest level (last 6N). Qera, fine flanker strong and aggressive he can shine on occasion. Camara still so young, but already brings lots of athleticism and speed to that position. He's like a back-forward.
No.8's: Picamoles the all-powerful and his heir Gilian Galan who will be as he was against the Sarries I hope. Awesome to have him off the bench, esp. if Picamoles gets injured again, he's a bit fragile these days.
SH: Doussain, Vermaak. Both very good SH's. Doussain is most probably the strongest SH in the world right now and it does help bouncing off tackles, tackling locks...quick in the rucks too.
FH: Beauxis more than holds up fine there, despite past criticism. The guy can put on a passing delight an entire game, and has all that experience. Forgot whether MacAllister was good to go for sure or not, but he brings strength at the 10 position, accuracy in his passing and in-game kicking. His penalty booting has been a problem at times...
Wingers: Gear, fantastic All-Black winger. Huget, France's best atm. Vincent Clerc, still as subtle and intelligent and accurate and Mr. Perfect, just less youth, but strong recovery from the huge injury.
Centers: Fritz is a little bull. Yann David a bigger bull, but not as good. Poitrenaud at center ? They often play him there...and Fickou off the bench, all that athletic potential...
Fullback: Huget ? Poitrenaud ? Médard ? Any will do just fine as they all excel in those roles.