Forum Terms & Rules
1.Welcome to The Rugby Forum. I am your humble host, St Helens RLFC. The Rugby Forum is here for you to talk about everything rugby and rugby league related. We have several sections for off topic discussion as well as other sports. Please feel free to get involved and post. There is no clique and we want to see you, new members getting involved as soon as possible.
2.If you like The Rugby Forum, then tell your friends. If you DON’T like The Rugby Forum, tell me or one of my staff!
3.Please do as staff ask. They are here to help and to ensure that The Rugby Forum moves along smoothly. If you disagree with a staff member’s decision, tell an admin. If you disagree with an admin’s decision, tell me. “Moderators don’t make mistakes, they make controversial decisions.â€
4.I don’t mind about signature size as long as it isn’t stupidly big. I’m happy enough that nobody has a signature too big at this moment in time.
5.If you have an issue with a fellow member, please resolve it with the means of the Personal Messaging system or MSN. Just don’t clog the forum up with it.
6.If you want to set up an alias, fine. Just make sure it’s funny.
7.All ideas are welcomed, so please don’t keep them to yourself. If you have an idea either send a personal message to myself or a fellow staff member, or post it up in the Forum Feedback section.
8.Signed up for the computer games section? Please don’t forget that we have an extensive rugby section. And if you’ve signed up for the rugby section, please don’t forget that we have an extensive rugby gaming section, with EA, SIDHE and Swordfish exclusives.
9.Please do not post porn or images likely to corrupt public morals. Please do not put these in signatures or avatars either, just get a life instead.
10.Please do not use "txt-spk" when making posts. Everyone the world over agrees the world over that correct English is much easier to read, so let's maintain the standard. Plus, you don't have a character limit here like you do on a mobile phone, so it's not necessary
11.Please do not discuss illegal downloading sites, if these are discussed the post will be deleted then the member warned
12. Racism or any form of discrimination will NOT be tolerated on The Rugby Forum. I will not hesitate to warn, ban and report to the authorities anyone who partakes in this en masse.
13.The Rugby Forum is meant to be fun, so have fun! By all means have a very detailed, in depth discussion, but do not insult fellow members or shout them down because they have a different view from you. Respect everybody’s opinion.
14.The reputation system is there to reward or punish members. Please do not abuse it as this is our equivalent of post count. If you would like to make a complaint about feedback left for you, contact a staff member and it will be investigated. Please read the reputation guidelines in Forum Feedback.
15.Spamming will not be accepted on this forum, we have imposed the post limit to be able to read the rugby gaming section for a reason, if you spam to get your way into this you will be warned and ALL your posts will be removed, if you continue a ban will be imposed on your account. This will initially be a ban on your account but if after that ban is up you continue will use an IP Ban.
16. The management team of TRF accept no responsibility for the members of our board off our board. If someone advertises, please don't complain to us, because we have no control over it.
17. Almost there! The management of TheRugbyForum.com reserve the right to change or add rules at any time without the acknowledgment of members. And staff decision is final.
Have fun. It’s what we’re here for!
Best wishes,
Dan and Charlie
(St Helens RLFC & Getofmeland TRF owners)
1.Welcome to The Rugby Forum. I am your humble host, St Helens RLFC. The Rugby Forum is here for you to talk about everything rugby and rugby league related. We have several sections for off topic discussion as well as other sports. Please feel free to get involved and post. There is no clique and we want to see you, new members getting involved as soon as possible.
2.If you like The Rugby Forum, then tell your friends. If you DON’T like The Rugby Forum, tell me or one of my staff!
3.Please do as staff ask. They are here to help and to ensure that The Rugby Forum moves along smoothly. If you disagree with a staff member’s decision, tell an admin. If you disagree with an admin’s decision, tell me. “Moderators don’t make mistakes, they make controversial decisions.â€
4.I don’t mind about signature size as long as it isn’t stupidly big. I’m happy enough that nobody has a signature too big at this moment in time.
5.If you have an issue with a fellow member, please resolve it with the means of the Personal Messaging system or MSN. Just don’t clog the forum up with it.
6.If you want to set up an alias, fine. Just make sure it’s funny.
7.All ideas are welcomed, so please don’t keep them to yourself. If you have an idea either send a personal message to myself or a fellow staff member, or post it up in the Forum Feedback section.
8.Signed up for the computer games section? Please don’t forget that we have an extensive rugby section. And if you’ve signed up for the rugby section, please don’t forget that we have an extensive rugby gaming section, with EA, SIDHE and Swordfish exclusives.
9.Please do not post porn or images likely to corrupt public morals. Please do not put these in signatures or avatars either, just get a life instead.
10.Please do not use "txt-spk" when making posts. Everyone the world over agrees the world over that correct English is much easier to read, so let's maintain the standard. Plus, you don't have a character limit here like you do on a mobile phone, so it's not necessary
11.Please do not discuss illegal downloading sites, if these are discussed the post will be deleted then the member warned
12. Racism or any form of discrimination will NOT be tolerated on The Rugby Forum. I will not hesitate to warn, ban and report to the authorities anyone who partakes in this en masse.
13.The Rugby Forum is meant to be fun, so have fun! By all means have a very detailed, in depth discussion, but do not insult fellow members or shout them down because they have a different view from you. Respect everybody’s opinion.
14.The reputation system is there to reward or punish members. Please do not abuse it as this is our equivalent of post count. If you would like to make a complaint about feedback left for you, contact a staff member and it will be investigated. Please read the reputation guidelines in Forum Feedback.
15.Spamming will not be accepted on this forum, we have imposed the post limit to be able to read the rugby gaming section for a reason, if you spam to get your way into this you will be warned and ALL your posts will be removed, if you continue a ban will be imposed on your account. This will initially be a ban on your account but if after that ban is up you continue will use an IP Ban.
16. The management team of TRF accept no responsibility for the members of our board off our board. If someone advertises, please don't complain to us, because we have no control over it.
17. Almost there! The management of TheRugbyForum.com reserve the right to change or add rules at any time without the acknowledgment of members. And staff decision is final.
Have fun. It’s what we’re here for!
Best wishes,
Dan and Charlie
(St Helens RLFC & Getofmeland TRF owners)