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Flutey Off home

Don't Skip Leg Day

TRF Legend
May 20, 2008
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Just read online that R. Flutey is back off home to New Zealand next season. He is then going to play in Japan.

I can't believe we ever let this guy play for England, he is a money grabbing player who has no loyalty to the country and its a disgrace we ever let him play!
I really hope they change the rules soon as i don't want any more of these plastic players playing for England...then off to France for a big pay out, then back to wasps for a bigger payout (the RFU helped with this one) and then off to Japan for an even larger cheque!

What a disgrace...rant over
I've always liked Flutey, he's given a lot to Wasps and Not Nots, I don't begrudge him a year in Japan before retiring, especially considering the state his body is in these days with injury after injury.
Give the guy a break he's 32, had 3 years of constant injuries, unlikely to play for England again. Let him go to Japan to top up the funds before moving onto other things in NZ.
I have to say, it sticks a bit that a guy can be 'english' for his playing career and then go back to being a kiwi as soon as its over. I don't begrudge him making money in france/ japan, but moving his family back to NZ implies that he sees his long term future there. I'd prefer someone like Lynagh or FItzpatrick to have been a mercenary because at least they're living in London now.
Completely agree with the initial post, the guy is a joke.
you know whats even worse! those guys that just up and stop playing just because their getting old! they should die on the field! hell , some of them actually have somewhere else they go and sleep after the game!

come on guys, do we have a go and normal people that retire to the south of france and just pick up some casual work to pay the bills? thats all he's doing in all but name

if your annoyed he got in the england aquad to start with then fair play but he's not doing anything wrong with this
He's good around the field, the first job of the Irish prop.
I know he's more of a 12, but the Blues need a number 10. Anybody...
Always thought he was overrated, the only good thing I saw him do was the set up for Shanes try in the 3rd Lions Test in 09
Don't begrudge him this at all, he has been absolutely hounded by injuries for a good couple of years.

Best of luck to him in Japan. There's not too much point complaining, it's what everyone's doing...

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