I probably should have used the urban dictionary! Good site...very entertaining...
Yeah I used to read the dictionary in English for something to do lol. I had a new word every day. Xanthippe, Kafkaesque and Kachina. I can even give you almost exactly what this particular dictionary says (this is really sad, isnt it)
Xanthippe - Shrewish or ill tempered woman
Kachina - American Indian ancestral spirit
Kafkaesque - Impenetrably oppressive, nightmarish
The dictionary is a beautiful thing.
I think its time for a girlfriend again as well. Mum think so too. Its strange...whilst I was at school and when I didn't have a girlfriend, she'd say stuff like "there's no need to have one" or "don't waste your time this year" or whatever else to discourage it, but now i'm out of school, she asks all the bloody time if I have found a lovely girl! Maybe I'm more settled with a girlfriend and don't get drunk as much. Maybe she wants another girl around the house. Hmmm....
Why did I extrapolate on everything? I don't know why, however...Evil evil hangovers when still relatively intoxicated. I'm in a dark room with windows, door and blind closed with a water cooled air-conditioner on as fast and as cold as possible and my eyes are bloodshot, i have a terrible headache, and i feel sick.