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E3 2017

God EA conference was crap.

I love that you started a whole E3 thread just to talk about how bad the EA show was.

They didn't offer a lot, but BF2 looks a whole lot better than its predecessor and I'm interested in A Way Out - it looks intriguing. I guess I only need a game or two that look good from each of the developer conferences to be satisfied, because I know that I'm realistically only going to have time to play a few games a year!
I love that you started a whole E3 thread just to talk about how bad the EA show was.

They didn't offer a lot, but BF2 looks a whole lot better than its predecessor and I'm interested in A Way Out - it looks intriguing. I guess I only need a game or two that look good from each of the developer conferences to be satisfied, because I know that I'm realistically only going to have time to play a few games a year!

TBF i started it with the idea of mentioning the other stuff when it gets announced. Just EA was first.

I would be 1000% more hyped for BF2 if it wasn't for BF1.
I'd be 1000% more hyped for BF2 if it was like SW:BF in Frostbite.
Super Lucky's Tale looks like the most generic, derivative platformer I've ever seen. By the numbers or what?!

A Way Out looks really interesting,
I, too, am hyped for Shadow of War.

Are we expecting any Red Dead 2 news this E3, considering it's been delayed?
Thought there were a few interesting ones in there. Loved the Sea of Pirates (is that the name?), and I'd like to know more about the Zombie game and the Dwarf game.
I love the new AC setting but the combat system doesn't excite me currently.

Mario and Rabbids wow.................
Listen, Oblivion was my favorite game of all time, and I loved Skyrim too, but...... c'mon Bethesda, you're going to have to stop with this stuff at some stage. Essentially reintroducing their idiotic paid mods idea from a few years ago that got slammed, but I can at least appreciate that they say they'll be working on the mods and making them actually compatible. They actually had the gall to put 'horse armor' in their ad for it, which if you enjoyed Oblivion, you will know is one of the most ridiculously weak pieces of paid DLC of all time to the extent it's a meme.
Also can't believe how incredible new Shadow of Mordor looks. First one was great and innovative. This looks god tier.

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