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Britney Spears...BALD!?



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Hit Me Baby One More Time...No, seriously, someone slap me and wake me up! I've always been fond of Ms. Spears. Not because she was beautiful inside and out, but mainly because she was hot, and sang songs like "I'm a Slave for You."
Brit, why did you shave your head? Not that I'm opposed to shaven heads; I have a shaven head. The thing is, if you did it for charity, or did it on some sort of normal whim I'd understand. It's not even that I'm complaining about you shaving your head. I'm complaining that this is one more thing in a long line of really bad decisions,seemingly...secretly I'm hoping you'll come out and say that this is some sort of vow and you were getting rid of your bad karma or something...I'd get that and respect it, and hope you can move on with your life. BUT, I doubt that is what is going on, sadly.
Bring Back Britney!
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i just like using my nails to yank em off my tongue and make em bleed. always think it helps but the ulcers gets worse the next day. once i had 3 ulcers on the same spot and it got inflammed so they sorta merged into one, and when i tried putting salt on it it was so painful i had tears in my eyes. had it for 10 weeks! haha .. its only occurred to me now that it might have been an infection


Care to have some WHine or some LAMEonade with that?

did u photoshop that?!?! ur ******** me right?
Britney's been rough for quite a while now. A bald head doens't make the slightest bit of deifference to me.
I gotta say i couldn't care less if she shaved her head or not.

I'd probably still do her...
did u photoshop that?!?! ur ******** me right?
I, sir, am in no way "********" you. I wish it were so.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/neweNjMUO_s"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/neweNjMUO_s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
This has been Nate Rowlan reporting, Back to you, Tom...
You Americans try to make your news so "cool", don't you?
It's really quite bizarre when i'm so used to the formal approach we have here.
Even when our newscasters are joking around, it's still really formal.

Your guys seem like they're on a chat show.
Our news stations suck ass. Local news is horrible, as is National news. I get mine from the BBC usually. Anchorman was pretty dead on.
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LHpS0OraYdk"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LHpS0OraYdk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Yeah, in Australia in the middle of the day we sometimes get the american "today show", it's really lame. It's worse than our's.
She just gets sadder and sadder. This really is an "Oops" that she did again.
I'm loving bald, crazy Britney! What do I have to do to get her to come after me with an umbrella?
"hit me baby one more time!"
Was Britney really doing her name in those photos?

It looked like the caption could've been "Britney Spears Cameraman!"
about the point bout american newscasters being like talk show hosts. its about what the viewers want, thats how u get ppl going nuts over carson daly, u dont see people stalking lyce douset do u? that being said BBC employees are massively respected in the industry
about the point bout american newscasters being like talk show hosts. its about what the viewers want, thats how u get ppl going nuts over carson daly, u dont see people stalking lyce douset do u? that being said BBC employees are massively respected in the industry

I certainly don't want a bunch of jokers one minute then the next a couple of stern faced blokes telling me of a serial killer on the loose that targetting 24-year-old, white male's in the cardiff area!
I certainly don't want a bunch of jokers one minute then the next a couple of stern faced blokes telling me of a serial killer on the loose that targetting 24-year-old, white male's in the cardiff area!
That's exactly what we get: "Whacky Man in Southern Illinois trains his pet duck to ride a skateboard...In other news 12 year old Matt Summerson of Spokane, Washington has fessed up to molesting a group of 6 year olds on a field trip to the science center...for more on this story we're going live to Brenda Brenderson at the Science Center." "Thanks, Tom...I'm here at the science center where 12 year old Matt Summerson of Spokane, Washington has fessed up to molesting a group of 6 year olds on a field trip to this very place, the Spokane Science Center. Coincidentaly, this is the very Science center where 48 year old Geoff Jefferies of Southern Illinois is launching an exhibition called 'Duck: King of the Grind.'"

I bet tis not the only place she is bald :p
I think there is photographic evidence to back your hopes (NSFW):Britney Shaved Her Head?

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