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  1. Ragey Erasmus

    England 2023/24

    Why do we struggle to have a player who can be very good in their position with a decent future ahead of them and the leadership to be captain? It seems we fail to get a player who ticks all boxes and have done since Hartley and Johnson. Everyone else usually had a big question mark floating...
  2. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

  3. Ragey Erasmus

    Premiership Rugby 23/24 Semi finals

    Don't really see how that could be held against Bath unless they were the cause of the collapse though.
  4. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    This is what I want to see. The claim the Lords contains non-political experts is nonsense when you look at how both parties stacked it with political cronies. Single Transferable Vote for the Commons and PR for the Lords. I'd also say split the Lords into 2 groups with each group getting a 10...
  5. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    I think when you look at what has actually happened in elections, it has been vastly more in favour of Democrats than the polls will suggest. Remember, Trump lost the popular vote to Clinton, he lost by even more to Biden. Has anything happened since losing to Biden that would really swing new...
  6. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    The interesting thing is a not insignificant number of Trump voters had said they would not vote for him if he got any sort of criminal conviction. He has now got 1 and 2 defamation losses. Whilst his rabid base would follow him even if he shot someone dead on camera, his base won't determine...
  7. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    The fact that the idea a president can pardon themselves hasn't been firmly put to bed as a completely ridiculous idea shows just how far the USA has fallen. Let's be honest though, Republicans and the far right were building towards this long before Trump took power, this was going on way back...
  8. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    Playing devils advocate is one thing, that isn't what he was doing. He was talking to the Labour candidate as if it was their problem to fix and then put them in the no win situation of any quick fix is dismissed as fantasy but any inability to fix it quickly is failure. That's not probing...
  9. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    Anyone else seeing this?
  10. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    I heard a bit on bbc2 with Jeremy Vine, it seemed kinda ridiculous, basically saying the fact Labour didn't fix the NHS instantly was somehow their fault and there short term fix to improve things was shot down as not being a long term solution. Again it has the vibe of saying unless Labour can...
  11. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    This, they haven't done themselves any favours morally and make themselves a bit of an easy target but Abbott is an absolute moron. She's been hard done by but let's not pretend they are losing any sort of talent here.
  12. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    You just know that, for those of younger working age, those same pension protections will but be in place. Every time millennials etc reach an age where they should start seeing the benefit, the rug is pulled out from under them. I've been working professionally for 7 years and still haven't...
  13. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    I wonder when either party is going to make a thing about promises to young people. Many young people who have been abandoned by the Tories waste now voting age and wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. The young may not have the same voting power yet but they will be the major economic drivers...
  14. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    This, the Tories would not be proposing this if they thought they had a hope in hell of winning the election. I'm personally opposed to the idea of the government dictating what people can do work wise once they are legally an adult.
  15. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    BBC News - Israeli activists battle over Gaza-bound aid convoys https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz9950n003yo
  16. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    Interesting reading the comments on that article, not as much blindly Boris-lovers as I'd expect. Laughable that he'd bring up the Saville thing when he was very feebly reprimanded for that lie in Parliament...
  17. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    Sunak does nothing but regurgitate tired old soundbytes which even die hard Tories struggle to believe. Literally his only real avenues to try to come out on top are: Say it would be worse under Labour and flat out refuse to expand on how or why Accuse Starmer of flip flopping and being...
  18. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    This is why the Tories keep getting in. For ages left wing rabble rousers or those who simply don't like labour much go to SNP, lib dem or green. Right wing people would tend to either not vote at all or still vote Tory. This is the first election in my lifetime where the Tories could finally be...
  19. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    Well we will have to disagree there then. I don't see how someone could look at the nations I listed among others and think Israel is on the same level.
  20. Ragey Erasmus

    A Political Thread pt. 2

    And to flip it on it's head, what's the point of constantly passing resolutions against Israel, to the extent it is more than everyone else combined, when they clearly aren't the worst in the world. That also cheapens an already cheap process. How can anyone take the UNGA seriously when it...